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GAC 01072014




Closure for bridge works
Thursday, January 7, 2016, Bosphorus, Turkey
The Bosphorus will be closed to traffic between 0500 and 1600 hours on Saturday 9 January, due to works on the 3. bridge (Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge).For information about operations in the Turkish Straits contact GAC Istanbul at turkey@gac.com

Svitzer Australia Enterprise Agreement 2016 – possible industrial action
Thursday, January 7, 2016, Australia
The AIMPE union has issued a Notice of Industrial Action at several Australian ports in response to negotiations surrounding the new Svitzer’s current Enterprise Agreement. The old agreement expired 31 December 2015.Negotiations have been underway with the three maritime unions for a new Enterprise Agreement since October, and in-principle agreement has been reached with the AMOU and MUA unions.The AIMPE, however, opposes to the change and issued Svitzer with a Notice of Industrial Action by AIMPE yesterday (6 January).The threatened industrial action is for the following locations:
Geelong: A 12 hour stoppage from 12:00am on 12 January;
Newcastle: A 12 hour stoppage from 04:00am on 12 January;
Sydney/Botany: A 12 hour stoppage from 12:00pm on 12 January;
Brisbane: A 12 hour stoppage from 12:00am on 13 January; and
Melbourne: A 12 hour stoppage from 12:00pm on 13 January.

This is only a notice at this stage, which could be withdrawn. Svitzer will be going to a Ballot as soon as possible and in the meantime will use the Fair Work Act to try and prevent this action proceeding.

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

LNG ship-to-ship operations
Thursday, January 7, 2016, Scapa Flow, United Kingdom
A Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Ship to Ship Transfer (STS) operation will take place in Scapa Flow over the period 6-12 January 2016.The LNG tankers involved will be the ‘MV Excelerate’ and ‘MV Arctic Princess’ and they will be anchored in vicinity of anchorage 5 and STS anchorage 2 during the period.All vessels are to remain at least 500 metres from LNG tankers at all times. When underway, the 500 metre exclusion zone around the laden tankers will be enforced by the Pilot Vessel John Rae. When at anchor, security patrols may also be conducted.LNG tanker movements will be broadcast by Orkney VTS on VHF Channel 11.

(For information about operations in the UK contact GAC UK at uk@gac.com)

Source: Orkney Islands Council, Marine Services, Notice To Mariners No.02/2016 dated 6 January 2016

Canal dredging
Thursday, January 7, 2016, Cape Cod, USA
The dredge ‘Dodge Island’ arrived at the Cape Cod Canal on January 3, and is expected to be working for four weeks around the clock. Canal vessel traffic may be affected.Vessels will not be allowed to enter the Canal while the unit is digging. As it takes about two hours for the dredge to fill up, a two hour delay is possible. Vessels will be allowed to pass once the dredge exits the canal to offload on the beach in Sandwich vessels. The dredge will stay clear until all vessel traffic is through.For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com

Western Rivers high water closures & restrictions
Thursday, January 7, 2016, US Midwest
The Coast Guard has issued a number of river closures, restrictions and advisories in response to floods in the US Midwest, as follows:COAST GUARD SECTOR UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER:
The Coast Guard Captain of the Port has re-opened the Mississippi River surrounding the St. Louis Harbor from mile marker 179 to mile marker 185.
Vessels operating in this area must be in compliance with horsepower and barge restrictions in accordance with the Western Rivers Waterways Action Plan.The Illinois River is open with restrictions between mile markers 0 to 50 from Hardin, Illinois to Valley City, Illinois. Mariners are asked to minimize wake and avoid laying vessels against saturated levees. Recreational traffic is strongly discouraged due to debris and swift currents. The Illinois River remains closed between mile marker 50 and mile marker 100.The Missouri River is open to vessel traffic. The Coast Guard urges mariners to monitor VHF-FM channels 16 and 22 for any changes to the river.

For more details on the closures set in place by Sector Upper Mississippi River call the command center at 314-269-2610.

The Coast Guard has reopened the Mississippi River from mile marker 110, near Chester Illinois, to mile marker 34, near Billings Landing, Missouri. A safety advisory is in place from mile marker 110 to mile marker 0. While river stages are decreasing, mariners are advised that drift, debris, and strong currents may be a hazard to navigation.

For more details on the restrictions set in place by Sector Ohio Valley call the command center at 1-800-253-7465.

The Coast Guard continues to work with the Army Corps of Engineers to monitor the integrity of the levee systems in Ohio Valley and around the Cape Girardeau region.

High water safety advisory on Lower Mississippi River from mile marker 869, near Caruthersville, Missouri, to mile marker 303 near Natchez, Mississippi. Safety zone between mile markers 737 and 734 on the Lower Mississippi River.

For more details on the restrictions set in place by Sector Lower Mississippi River call the command center at 901-521-4824.

High water towing limitations near Morgan City for vessels heading southbound with a length no greater than 600 feet.

A high water safety advisory is in effect from mile marker 219 to mile marker 240 near Baton Rouge, La.

Traffic control measures are in place at 81 mile point near Algiers Point.

For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at usa@gac.com

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