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Home HREvents, Conferences,Forums and Symposiums ICHCA to sign MoU with FEPORT ICHCA to sign MoU with FEPORT at upcoming ICHCA International Conference

ICHCA to sign MoU with FEPORT ICHCA to sign MoU with FEPORT at upcoming ICHCA International Conference

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ICHCAICHCA to sign MoU with FEPORT  at upcoming ICHCA International Conference

Agreement with the Federation of European Private Port Operators will provide a framework for knowledge sharing and cooperation on port operations and cargo handling issueFEPORT LOGO 12 JAN 2016

06.01.2016 – ICHCA International, the global cargo handling NGO association, has agreed to work with the Federation of European Private Port Operators (FEPORT) on matters of mutual interest.
The two associations will sign a formal Memorandum of Understanding on Mar 1 2016 at the ICHCA International 2016 Conference on “Bigger Ships, Greater Challenges”, which will run from 29 Feb – 2 Mar at the World Trade Center, Barcelona, Spain.


FEPORT President Günther Bonz will speak at the ICHCA Conference, where he will express the vviews of the European private port and terminal operator community on the challenges posed by bigger ships and other key operational issues for the sector. He will be joined by a delegation of senior FEPORT executives and members.

ICHCA International represents the interests of its 160 voting members, over 6, 500 associate members and the industry at large in front of key UN regulatory bodies, including the International Maritime Organization. The Association provides a focal point for cross-party dialogue and
knowledge sharing among different members of the cargo handling chain and promotes good practice in safe and efficient operations across sea, land and air, including containerised, bulk and other cargo types.

Founded in 1993 and located in Brussels, FEPORT is a policy-led and policy-driven organisation that speaks on behalf of terminal operators and stevedoring companies carrying out activities in the seaports of the European Union and Turkey. Its members include over 1, 200 companies with over 400 ports located throughout the EU and Turkey. The Federation promotes the interests of its members by maintaining regular dialogue with all EU institutional and non-institutional stakeholders.

“ICHCA is delighted to be working more closely with FEPORT, ” said David Bendall, Chairman of
ICHCA International. “Ports and terminals play a critical role as key nodes in international cargo
handling chains and are already a focus within ICHCA. This agreement will help our two associations
share knowledge and combine forces on matters of mutual interest at a European and global level, ”
he added.

“We are very happy to be signing this MoU with ICHCA, which will enable us to connect our work at
the European level with ICHCA’s international efforts and initiatives, ” said FEPORT President Mr.
Gunther Bonz. “We are looking forward to co-operating with ICHCA on a number of issues that are
relevant to both sides and to strengthening these links in the next few years. Signing the MoU at the
Conference is just the first step.”

Bringing together a cross-section of industry and institutional stakeholders, including keynotes from
the Secretary General of the IMO and Deputy Head of Cabinet for the EU Transport Commission, the
ICHCA International 2016 Conference includes two days of sessions, site visit to the Port of
Barcelona, one of the Mediterranean’s largest and most diverse cargo handling and logistics hubs
and extensive networking opportunities, including two drinks receptions.
Book now via this link: https://www.etouches.com/ichcaconference.

Established in 1952, ICHCA International is an independent, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to
improving the safety and productivity of cargo handling and movement worldwide. ICHCA’s
privileged NGO status enables it to represent its members, and the cargo handling industry at large,
in front of national and international agencies and regulatory bodies, while its ISP Technical Panel
provides best practice advice and develops publications on a wide range of practical cargo handling

Operating through a series of national and regional chapters – including ICHCA Australia, ICHCA
Japan and ICHCA Canarias/Africa (CARC) – plus Correspondence and Working Groups, ICHCA

FEPORT represents the interests of stevedoring companies and terminal operators at a
European level. FEPORT’s members directly employ 220, 000 port workers and its company
members are among the top 15 global terminal operators in the world, representing a total
share of 50 percent of the world’s gross throughput.

FEPORT groups its interests into nine broad categories: port policy, transport policy, maritime
policy, security, safety and the environment, logistics, customs and internal market procedures,
social policy (social dialogue) and R&D. The Federation’s objectives are: to inform and advise its
members on European port-related matters, to discuss and formulate common points of view
on European policy issues, to serve as an interlocutor for EU institutions and other national or
international organisations and to share technical and operational know-how.

Follow FEPORT on Twitter @FEPORT_EU
Follow FEPORT on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/feport
11th January 2016, Brussels

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