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Home MarketsStatisticsArctic Shipping A sea change…for the BDI @325…

A sea change…for the BDI @325…

by admin
John Faraclas

John Faraclas

Another 12 points down, another all times low record… making the BDI’s history more than interesting!  The John Faraclas daily market commentary:

The Capes minus 19 points at 216 approaching the 200 barrier yet again. The Panamaxes’ BDI down 10 at 293 points; the Supras’ BSI down 11 at 316 ponts and the BHSI going deeper to 222 points, a modest three points down.

Wets too had another drop despite the price of oil going above the US$ 33… The last published BDTI and BCTI recorded a minus eight and ten points respectively standing at 812 and 664 points… Tough!

Many questions on all sectors and hope we get an answer; overall predictions vary as very few understand the coming reality:

  • How will the Box trade will repsond?
  • LNG’s migh be a good investment…
  • Reefer Box ships too…
  • ULCC’s another good investment and obviously the Chemical tankers…
  • On the Demolition side lots of things might happen.
  • Shipfinance: Money money and ships will go round…
  • Listed companies are having a hard time too…
  • Liner entities can now feel the sitaution…
  • Short sea shipping is yet another intresting sector to invest as well inland waterways tonnage…
  • Arctic shipping a great opportunity…

So let’s wait until tomorrow’s closing and… what’s next; be on guard! Zero hour approaches…

Once again, a great market for those capable and fully geared to grasp the chance of their life!

P.S.: Wonder how you are all getting on with geopolitics…

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