World Holidays: 31 January-13 February 2016 |
Saturday, January 30, 2016, Worldwide |
Public holidays around the world in the coming two weeks include the following: Thu 4 Feb – Sri Lanka National Day Fri 5 Feb – Kashmir Day (Pakistan) Fri 5-Tue 9 Feb – Carnival (Brazil etc) Sun 7-Sat 13 Feb – Spring Festival (China) Mon 8 Feb – Chinese New Year Tue 9 Feb – Saint Maron’s Day (Lebanon) Tue 9 Feb – National Sports Day (Qatar)For information about operations around the world contact the respective GAC office. Details may be found at |
Maximum recommended draft |
Saturday, January 30, 2016, Freeport TX, USA |
Effective immediately the Brazos Pilots recommend imposing the following draft recommendations for vessels calling at the Seaway Terminal #3: MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED DRAFT 40’ FRESH WATER – Vessels with a draft of 40’ Fresh Water will only be handled with a minimum positive tide of 0+ FT above MLW.THIS MEANS VESSELS WITH MORE THAN 40 FT FRESH WATER DRAFT MAY EXPERIENCE DELAYS WAITING ON HIGH TIDE FOR THEIR TRANSIT. This recommendation is applicable to the Seaway Terminal 33 and does not indicate depths of the Federal channel. Seaway has advised they have dredging scheduled for the terminal in the near future. We are aware vessels have already loaded to 42’ FW and are in transit to Port Freeport, we will make every effort to have minimal delays as water is available. All future loading of vessels should be loaded to the maximum draft outline above. Tide precautions do not include the effect of wind which may affect tidal levels. PLEASE PROVIDE ADVANCED NOTICE OF ANTICIPATED ARIVALS OR DEPARTURES OF DEEP DRAFT VESSELS WITH MINIMAL UNDERKEEL CLEARANCE. The Brazos Pilots stand committed to safe and efficient service provided to the vessels transiting Port Freeport. (For information about operations in the USA contact GAC USA at Source: Brazos Pilots Association, Freeport Texas, letter dated 29 January 2016 |