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Home ShipmanagementIT and Communications ENC purchase made easy with FlatFee from Nautisk

ENC purchase made easy with FlatFee from Nautisk

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Peter J Pran

Peter J Pran

Nautisk has launched FlatFee, a new, premium service which enables customers to take advantage of an annual price which will simplify budgetary planning for ENCs.

The FlatFee concept is based around offering a fixed price for ENCs (AVCS or Primar) with a single invoice per vessel issued once a year. Using FlatFee, customers can download charts and permits, export to the ECDIS and sail without having to check that licenses are up to date or pay for ENCs on a per-voyage basis.

Peter Pran, Nautisk Head of Global Sales said: “Shipping companies have a wealth of administrative tasks which have to be completed on a daily basis. Add these to management of operational schedules, crew and ships services, voyage planning, vessel maintenance and regulatory compliance and officers both onboard and ashore have very little time. We are constantly looking for ways to make working processes more efficient and FlatFee does just that.”

Using FlatFee, customers can choose flexible voyage options with the option of a primary zone, additional zones or worldwide license.

Pran says: “As well as ENCs, FlatFee can be purchased alongside NaviTab with the service, meaning that they will have access to the industry’s first information library and data portal on a single, hi-spec hand-held tablet.”

“FlatFee strengthens our commitment to provide the mariner access to compliant data quickly and efficiently. Combining transparent invoicing and giving customers the ability to pre-budget allows us to help them make their operations more effective, whilst at the same time growing our own voyage planning portfolio.”

FlatFee for ENCs is the first stage in a wider offering which will be extended to include FlatFee for Publications before the end of the year.

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