An image of the HMD design gas bunkering vessel
HMD design for 6, 600 cubic metre (m3) vessel based on Zeebrugge LNG terminal requirements has received approval in principle (AiP) through LR’s Busan Technical Support Office
New design is a vital next step in supporting capability for a global marine LNG bunkering network
A design from Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) for a 6, 600 m3 LNG bunker vessel has received Approval in Principle (AiP) from Lloyd’s Register (LR). The design will be capable of supplying both small scale requirements and the current maximum expected requirements for large ships trading worldwide.
Compliant with the requirements of the revised IGC Code (see notes below), the design incorporates two cylindrical type ‘C’ tanks, reliquefaction plant, a new and sophisticated loading arm and high manoeuvrability for safe operations. The design is available in both single and twin screw with different propeller options.
A video clip for LNG bunkering operation is available at http://www.hmd.co.kr/english/
Chang-hyun Yoon, EVP of HMD Initial Planning Division said: ‘We have steadfastly invested in developing the wide variety of gas ship design not only to respond quickly to the market demand and but also to lead the market. For this reason, we have prepared three prototype of 6, 600 m3 (single or twin screw) and 15, 000 m3 Class Dual Fuelled LNG Bunkering vessels targeting to operate in Zeebrugge small LNG terminal for LNG fuel in order to develop a global market for the LNG bunkering business.’
The 6, 600 m3 bunkering vessel is designed to have two cylindrical tanks and no-bulbous bow shape while the 15, 000 m3 has three bi-lobe tanks and bulbous bow.
Both 6, 600 m3 and 15, 000 m3 bunkering vessels are fully compliant with NOx Tier III at gas mode, and equipped with one set of re-liquefaction plant (1, 000 kg/h), gas combustion unit and different combination of thrusters, flap rudder for better sea-keeping ability at rough sea.
Leo Karistios, Gas Technology Manager, LR, commented: ‘This HMD design is another significant step in the requirements for safe, efficient gas bunkering worldwide. We are at the start of the LNG bunkering era. The industry is developing technical solutions to support commercial and regulatory requirements. No-one knows at what speed the commercial take-up of gas fuelled shipping will now proceed but concrete technical progress is being made.’
Chang-hyun Yoon, EVP of HMD Initial Planning Division added, ‘We have developed small scale LNG carriers ranging from 10, 000 m3 to 30, 000 m3.
Because large scale LNG carriers are not appropriate for short voyages and small LNG terminals, small scale carriers could be considered as an alternative. This vessel carries liquefied natural gas (LNG) mainly, and also other liquefied gases such as ethylene, ethane, LPG and chemical cargoes could be transported when there is little demand for LNG cargo as owner’s option.’
LR has been helping the marine industry develop capability and designs across the gas shipping spectrum, translating its market leading position in LNG and LPG carrier classification into the gas-as-fuel sector as the market develops. Luis Benito, LR’s Innovation Director, Marine & Offshore, said, ‘As LNG fuelled shipping develops we need to make sure that the risks are being addressed from the very start. The scale of these requirements and need to understand the risks are being supported by our rigorous approaches to identifying and managing risk. Our stakeholders – shipbuilders, shipowners, ports, terminals and regulators – and society – need assurance that those risks are being properly addressed as LNG infrastructure now moves into the big time. This involves meeting international standards and LR has been leading the way in the internationalisation of LNG fuelled infrastructure.’
About the IGC Code
The International Code of the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code), adopted by resolution MSC.5(48), has been mandatory under SOLAS chapter VII since 1 July 1986. The IGC Code applies to ships regardless of their size, including those of less than 500 gross tonnage, engaged in carriage of liquefied gases having a vapour pressure exceeding 2.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 37.8°C, and certain other substances listed in chapter 19 of the Code. The aim of the Code is to provide an international standard for the safe carriage by sea in bulk of liquefied gases and the substances listed in chapter 19, by prescribing the design and construction standards of ships involved in such carriage and the equipment they should carry so as to minimise the risk to the ship, to its crew and to the environment, having regard to the nature of the products involved.
The basic philosophy is one of ship types related to the hazards of the products covered by these codes, each of which may have one or more hazard properties. A further possible hazard may arise owing to the products being transported under cryogenic (refrigerated) or pressure conditions.
Severe collisions or strandings could lead to cargo tank damage and uncontrolled release of the product. Such release could result in evaporation and dispersion of the product and, in some cases, could cause brittle fracture of the ship’s hull. The requirements in the codes are intended to minimise these risks as far as is practicable, based upon present knowledge and technology.
Throughout the development of the Code it was recognised that it must be based upon sound naval architectural and engineering principles and the best understanding available as to the hazards of the various products covered; furthermore that gas carrier design technology is not only a complex technology but is rapidly evolving and that the Code should not remain static. Therefore, IGC Code is kept under review, taking into account experience and technological development. The latest comprehensive amendments of the IGC Code were adopted by resolution MSC.370 (93), to enter into force on 1 July 2016.
About Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD)
Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd(HMD), founded in 1975, entered into the newbuilding market in 1996, and has been acknowledged as one of the leading and most versatile shipbuilders in the sections of medium-sized conventional and specialised vessels.
Since 1996, HMD has delivered about 900 vessels including product/chemical tankers, bulk carriers, LPG carrier, LEG carrier, pure car and truck carriers, container ships, cont-ro/ro-ro vessels, asphalt carriers, sulphur carriers, platform supply vessels, drillships, cable layers, pipe layer, FPSO, etc.
HMD is a pioneer of developing the latest ‘Eco & Green’ designs to satisfy the increasing global demand using the state-of-the-art engineering system, and is constantly searching to improve portfolio of designs with the latest generation of engines, optimised hull forms and energy saving devices while HMD is keeping the highest reliability with the customer-oriented mind and delivering high-quality vessels with value and trust for customers.
About Lloyd’s Register
Lloyd’s Register (LR) is a global engineering, technical and business services organisation wholly owned by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a UK charity dedicated to research and education in science and engineering. Founded in 1760 as a marine classification society, LR now operates across many industry sectors, with nearly 9, 000 employees in 78 countries.
LR has a long-standing reputation for integrity, impartiality and technical excellence. Our compliance, risk and technical consultancy services give clients confidence that their assets and businesses are safe, sustainable and dependable. Through our global technology centres and research network, LR is at the forefront of understanding the application of new science and technology to future-proof our clients’ businesses.