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Home OrganisationsEuropean Union The BDI@677: still cruel to be kind…

The BDI@677: still cruel to be kind…

by admin
John Faraclas

John Faraclas

Earlier on today the BDI (Baltic Dry Index) closed 17 points higher since yesterday and 68 points plus since last week’s 609 points; with Geopolitics in a total mess, this is a unique time to remember the power of Shakespeare’s words in Hamlet: “cruel to be kind”! John Faraclas’ weekly Markets and Geopolitics report:

The volatile Capers’ BCI 2014 was over and above the 1, 000 mark threshold – 1, 030 points, 34 up since yesterday and 117 since last Friday’s 913! Hurray Hurray!

The Panamaxes too enjoyed a good day and week, up 29 and 109 points respectively since yesterday and last Friday readings of 691 and 585… Interesting!

Supras and Handies followed suit. The Supras’ BSI was up eight points since yesterday clocking 627 and 44 since last week’s 583 points. The Handies up two points since yesterday at 344 – and 15 points plus since last week’s 329.

So, all in all a plus dry market, still though …cruel to be kind. You must try and interpret this for it offers, still, great opportunities to improve one’s position vis-à-vis acquiring low prices tonnage of all size and type. More than a good market to order newbuildings!

The Container trade will soon change the landscape… err the Ocean Trade; tough times never last, but tough …boxes do!

The Wets,  due to geopolitics and the oil saga – wonder what’s up with OPEC and non-OPEC, with mixed results. Last published BDTI (the Dirties) was down three points at 691 and 22 points since last Friday the 24th of June! The BCTI (the Cleans) remained the same at 464 and up 22 since last Friday’s 442 points. This is what I call a real upside down.

The WTI ended up at US$ 49.28; is that good or bad, just wonder and look forward our viewers’ comments.

The Geopolitical front still  under the MIGRANTS despicable situation; the IOM says that in the first half of 2016, there were 225, 095 arrivals in the Med and 2, 889 deaths: SHAME to all involved, particularly politicians and diplomats. There isn’t only the incalculable damage of extreme suffering of all those people, an easy prey to traffickers et al, but the collateral damage, particularly for the people of Europe – Greece and Italy being the most affected nations. To a leaser extend Cyprus, Malta and Spain are also countries faced with the immense Migrants issue.  Resign is on the wall for all involved!

The BREXIT result, which is not binding according to many legal deliberations flying around, opened the Pandora’s’ Box for the election saga in the United Kingdom’s Conservative Party. BoJo as mentioned yesterday is out… and about – for the time being; but lest see what Mrs. May (already called “Mrs. M”; deriving from the late “Mrs. T”) can do, given that the majority sides with her leadership. Yes leadership, not only her win! Leadership is of paramount importance particularly in this day and age for the United Kingdom and Europe at large!

Whilst GREXIT is still on the cards, premier Tsipras of Greece takes the Silk Road to Beijing and to China in general. We eagerly wait to see the result of first time left in Greece in all fronts. Time will – soon, tell! Greece must get its act together and a proportional representation is a must, not just to activate real Democracy, but to oust all the political and business hooligans, who, together with the foreign factor, destroyed Greece (we can entertain live on any A1 TV station this argument; any takers?).

The European Union, unless its politicians come down to their senses – before coming down to their knees, will be soon disintegrated. Italy, France and other nations in Europe are in a total financial mess, Germany too… Expect the unexpected. Bullying of small nations must stop, as the David and Goliath saga might nastily return. Always remember the wrath of the Athenians versus the people of the Island of Melos who betrayed them!

Pesters et al also must stop their bullying; we have already  mentioned this issue last year,  thank the Olympian Gods… we did it on time following previous articles and reports too…

Hackers too must end their despicable practices as we can assure you legal punishment and ridiculation will make them all on Planet Ocean think twice before they strike again…

Despite being sure for the BREXIT vote, and as per previous written statement, I am pro-European, but a lot of things MUST change. Delaying the real change, will automatically lead to the end of the European Idea and Ideal!

On the other side of the Atlantic,  Mrs. Hillary Clinton lead is now just below ten centum. One way or another she MUST win!

The Middle Eastern ISIS saga, now engulfing more countries in its periphery, must be curbed. In Turkey, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq – needless to say Syria, and many other places, continues.  We need to see the ground forces in combined air and sea attacks, end ISIS’s existence here and now. It can happen! Where is the will; where is the political will?

The Israeli – Palestinian peace must take place here and now as, at least three decades of peace talks produced nothing significant. The major powers speak of even perpetual conflict indefinitely. Great caution is needed.

Putin might attempt other things too for Russia’s entire periphery.

The Japanese are unease with North Korea’s missile test – successful or not…

The World is on fire, the World economy gets worse every single moment. Fraud is gaining ground!!! Caution! Fraud and de-fraud though comes from both sides of the equation… Check it!

In Euro 2016, Wales earlier on after thrashing Belgium continued to the semis. We are not surprised. All things being equal, and following Iceland’s success, the pitch is open for all to have their say! Iechyd da!

An update will follow.

Have a nice evening and enjoy the weekend!

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