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Home Marine InsuranceCivil Unrest Further BDI and geopolitics hiccups…

Further BDI and geopolitics hiccups…

by admin
John Faraclas

John Faraclas

As expected the markets lose steam and we have the first signs of unsustainability; Geopolitics due to the Turkish behaviour might become explosive; John Faraclas’ daily recap:

  • The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) was down to points at 746. The Capers BCI 2014 continued their fall, today 30 (thirty) points and are below the 1, 000 points threshold at 986.
  • The Panamaxes “survived” with five points plus an the BPI reads 879 points- still a good figure…
  • The Supras’ BSI was up three points at 700 whilst the Handies’ BHSI was up five points standing at 371.

All in all an uncertain market!

  • The Wets with mixed feelings. The Dirties’ BDTI down eight at 604 points and the Cleans’ BCTI up three at 445 points.

The Price of WTI was again close to the US$ 45 mark. Let’s see later on the closing…

On the Geopolitical front, too many issues arise out of the Turkish saga:

A violent pogrom against anyone president Erdogan dislike – there are rumours that the lists were compiled before the “failed” Coup…

After the Army officers, solders and judges, the academics and teachers are being rounded up!

There are rumours of forty combat helicopters missing, but written news that 14 (fourteen) warships from the Black Sea and Aegean fleet regions missing too…

The case of the eight military men who flew to north eastern Greece might ignite other issues too.

There are condemnations from the EU and the US on the staunch they will keep if Turkey re-introduces the death penalty.

From what we gather and analyse from live videos the world’s first Jihadist state is on flexing its muscles. At all costs we must contain this situ and all parties must work here and now to avid far worse situations. You haven’t seen anything yet.

On top of all the above, the Migrants flow from Turkey to Greece and Europe continues. Wake up and act!

On another tone the United Kingdom with the appropriate BREXIT policy might conquer the world once again in the financial and trading fronts!

Elsewhere authorities are on guard and high alert given the terrorists expected actions.

We will revert with an update latter on. Be on guard!

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