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Home ShipmanagementMarine Equipment Products and Services Damen delivers stock CSD450 within 3 working days on site

Damen delivers stock CSD450 within 3 working days on site

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CSD450 at work on the Frisian lake

CSD450 at work on the Frisian lake

Shortest delivery time ever

Damen delivers stock CSD450 within 3 working days on site

On Monday the 19th of September, a Damen CSD450 started winning sand at the Frisian motorway project contractor Van der Lee is working on. The ink on the sales contract was not even dry yet – it being signed on Thursday only. The stock dredger was prepared for transport on Friday and towed to the north of the Netherlands over the weekend, so that it could make a flying start on the Monday.

The stationary dredger, type CSD450, is a standard Damen dredger. Various types of these standard dredgers are readily available from stock. They are prepared for customisation through standard options, and can leave Damen’s Nijkerk yard in a very short time span – as was the case in this flash of lightning action for contractor Van der Lee.

The Dutch contractor Van der Lee is currently working on the motorway fly-over project near Joure, in the north of the Netherlands. This Damen CSD450 is their first stationary dredger. It will mine sand at a dredging depth between -2 m and – 6m, pumping it over a max distance of 6.5 kms using 3 booster stations – all equipped with Damen dredge pumps.

The Damen Field service crew commissioned the CSD450 Monday on site, and the dredger has been producing plenty of sand since.

About Damen Dredging Equipment:

Damen Dredging Equipment is a specialised supplier of dredging equipment and dredging instrumentation & automation. Fully owned by Damen Shipyards Group and based in Nijkerk, the Netherlands, the company has over 75 years of experience in the construction of dredging equipment serving the worldwide dredging industry. The dredging tools are all built to specific customer requirements, making use of a wide range of standard equipment.

More information can be found on www.damendredging.com

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