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Hot Port News from GAC

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Amended port navigation depths
Tuesday, October 25, 2016, Hay Point, Australia
The design and actual navigation depths below port datum, Lowest Astronomical Tide, as of Monday, 24 October 2016, are as follows:HPS Berth No.1
– Design Depth: 16.6 metres
– Actual Depth: 16.3 metresHPS Berth No.2
– Design Depth: 16.7 metres
– Actual Depth: 16.9* metres

HPS Berth No.3
– Design Depth: 19.0 metres
– Actual Depth: 18.8* metres

DBCT Berth No.1
– Design Depth: 19.6 metres
– Actual Depth: 18.1 metres

DBCT Berth No.2
– Design Depth: 19.6 metres
– Actual Depth: 18.0 metres

DBCT Berth No.3
– Design Depth: 19.0 metres
– Actual Depth: 17.9 metres

DBCT Berth No.2
– Design Depth: 19.0 metres
– Actual Depth: 18.0 metres

(For information about operations at Australian ports contact GAC Australia at shippoing.australia@gac.com)

Source: Maritime Safety Queensland Notice to Mariners 441 (T) of 2016 dated 24 October 2016

Requirements for Panamax vessels transiting Neopanamax locks
Tuesday, October 25, 2016, Panama Canal, Panama
The Neopanamax locks will be used primarily for the transit of Neopanamax or Panamax plus vessels (Panamax vessel with TFW draft exceeding the maximum allowable draft for the Panamax locks). However, Panamax vessels may be scheduled for transit through the Neopanamax locks during periods of high vessel backlog, scheduled lane outages, or due to unforseeable circumstances that may arise during transit operations.Transit requirements for Panamax vessels transiting through the Neopnamax locks remain the same as for transits through the Panamax locks and pre-approval is not required in order to transit as a Panamax vessel. Nevertheless, requirements to transit as a Panamax plus vessel remain as established in Notice to Shipping N-1-2016, and pre-approval is required.Scheduling of Panamax vessels through the Neopanamax locks is at the discretion of the Panama Canal Authority, depending on operational factors. Since Panamax vessels may be scheduled to transit the Neopanamax locks without prior notification, masters shall ensure their vessels comply with published transit requirements for Panamax locks in order to avoid unnecessary delays.

(For information about operations in the Panama Canal contact GAC-Wilford & McKay at gac-wilfordmckay.panama@gac.com)

Source: Panama Canal Authority Advisory to Shipping No.A-56-2016 dated 24 October 2016

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