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LR: Hellenic Technical Committee meeting

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A view from the meeting

A view from the meeting

IMO MEPC70 results, Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention Ratification, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV), Common Structural Rules (CSR), Goal Based Standards (GBS) and Ship Recycling were key themes at the combined session of Lloyd’s Register’s Hellenic Technical Committee and Hellenic Technical Environmental Sub-Committee

Piraeus, 17 November – Lloyd’s Register (LR) Hellenic Technical Committee (HTC) and Environmental Sub-Committee (HTESC) met on Wednesday 2 November 2016 at a combined session on board the floating museum Hellas Liberty in Piraeus.

In his opening comments, George Maglaras, LR Greece & Cyprus Client Care Manager, acknowledged the trust of the Greek Shipping industry to LR and stressed the importance of fruitful meetings among shipping professionals in the current challenging climate.

Another view with the speakers

Another view with the speakers

Sokratis Dimakopoulos, Deputy Managing Director, Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement SA and LR HTESC Chairman, welcomed the LR Committees members in his turn and underpinned Mr Maglara’s remarks commenting that the current market conditions in combination with a challenging regulatory landscape can lead to a demanding context that the shipping community cannot disregard.

Mr Spyros Skavaras, Design & Construction Studies Director of the Ministry of Shipping & Island Policy and representative of the Greek Administration to the IMO meetings, addressed on the results of MEPC 70. Mr Skavaras focused on the ratification of the BWM Convention and the implementation of the 0,5% sulphur cap in 2020 and made reference to specific issues that will be further clarified at MEPC 71.

Charalampos Anastasakis, LR Senior Specialist, provided further insight regarding the latest developments and the way ahead following the entry into force of the BWM Convention. Kirikos Faraklas, LRQA – Marine Business Support Centre Technical Manager, addressed the MRV challenges and guided the audience through the current regulatory framework and what is more to come in the future.

The event took place onboard the Hellas Liberty in the Port of Piraeus

The event took place onboard the Hellas Liberty in the Port of Piraeus

Guest speakers from LR Global Technology Centre (GTC) in Southampton provided their valuable insight on technical subjects currently at the top of the agenda of the shipping industry. Hasan Ocakli, Technical Authority – CSR, LR Marine & Offshore, delivered an update on CSR and IMO GBS.  Jim Heath, Ship Recycling Manager, Statutory Support Group, LR Southampton GTC, provided an update on Ship Recycling Legislation.

The presentations were very well received and induced fruitful and productive discussions.

“A few days after the IMO MEPC 70 meeting the timing was very good for a very successful Technical and Environmental Committee meeting. The participation was large and active and the actions raised can contribute towards shaping the developments in the regulatory landscape”, said Theodosis Stamatellos, LR Regional Marine & Offshore Manager South Europe.

About Lloyd’s Register

Lloyd’s Register (LR) is a global engineering, technical and business services organisation wholly owned by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a UK charity dedicated to research and education in science and engineering. Founded in 1760 as a marine classification society, LR now operates across many industry sectors, with over 9,000 employees in 78 countries.

LR has a long-standing reputation for integrity, impartiality and technical excellence. Our compliance, risk and technical consultancy services give clients confidence that their assets and businesses are safe, sustainable and dependable. Through our global technology centres and research network, LR is at the forefront of understanding the application of new science and technology to future-proof our clients’ businesses.

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