Fleetweb Overview
Forecasts to form part of EU Sea Traffic Management project

Lennart Cederberg, Segment Manager for shipping at SMHI
“At SMHI, we have extensive experience of working with both shipping forecasts and the analyses of completed shipping routes,” says Lennart Cederberg, Segment Manager for shipping at SMHI. “The STM project is based on standardising the exchange of information between vessels and land to achieve a transparent system to helps vessels, companies, ports, terminals, authorities and other stakeholders to know where ships are, and what their planned routes are. Data from SMHI’s system provides information that enables Masters to calculate how much to accelerate to arrive safely and on time, while being more economically and environmentally efficient.”
Cederberg cites Rotterdam, Europe’s biggest port, as an example: “It has 140 terminals, and 30,000 vessels call at the port every year. With the help of STM, it is possible to coordinate movements so vessels can arrive at the right terminal at exactly the right time and know exactly when they can unload, instead of waiting anchored far outside the harbour and waiting for a space to become available.”
SMHI’s ensemble forecasts provide up to 50 estimates on the impact of weather on speed and fuel consumption. Such safer forecasts give greater opportunities to optimise the vessels’ routes at the beginning of a long journey. Its custom-built software Fleetweb combines modern visualisation technology, service design and an advanced yet intuitive monitoring interface. By connecting multiple systems, it gives a total overview of the fleet while ensuring optimum vessel use.
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For more information on the Sea Traffic Management Validation Project go to: http://stmvalidation.eu/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?