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Home Markets Market and Geopolitical volatility strikes yet again…

Market and Geopolitical volatility strikes yet again…

by admin
John Faraclas

John Faraclas

The Markets are shaking given the latest volatility hit; Geopolitics are producing even worse situations: John Faraclas daily briefing:

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) nearly double its losses with 40 points down and now stands at 1,122 points. Mess at its best!

The Capers also nearly doubled their losses and the BCI 2014 lost 211 points and now reads 1,724; ULTRA CAUTION!!!

The Panamaxes too lost after an upwards trend 18 points and the BPI reads 1,547 points; correction or what…?

The Supras’ BSI also steady upwards gaining 16 points and now stands at 957 – hopefully we might see the 1,000 point mark reached!

Finally the last of the Dries, the Handies was also up five points at the “enviable” 562 points!

Modesty on the Wets; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) both gained, the first one –  five – 868 the latter just one point 440.

The WTI at US$ 50.20, still half a day of trading to go… we shall see.

The Geopolitics in a cross-road…

The MIGRANTS are now ready to become an even worse issue; too many manipulations and unclear situations politically-wise: a total mess. This mess MUST be curbed as it might produce despicable situations beyond reality…

The Syrian sage although  looks set to end, continues… Mess in Aleppo… Shame!!!

Turkey cannot accept law and order in all fronts…

next door in Greece the mess continues as the European Union is inhumane towards Greece. It is the EU and the IMF to blame; end of the story!

BREXIT begins to move forward.

In Italy things might lead to an exodus, simply an ITEXIT!

More news later tonight

Until then be on guard for every eventuality as things can imminently change.

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