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Home HRCompany Profiles The Marshall Islands Report

The Marshall Islands Report

by admin

MARSHALL ISLANDS LOGO 2017Happy New Year and welcome to the new Marshall Islands Report, a blog site with news and views from across International Registries, Inc.’s global network. We are the world’s most experienced, privately held maritime and corporate registry service provider. The site contains regular updates on everything from the latest legislation, interviews with key registry experts and updates on industry events. I hope you enjoy the new service and wish all our readers a peaceful and prosperous 2017.

A Message from Bill Gallagher, President, IRI

Bill Gallagher shares his thoughts on the continuing growth of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Registry, the challenges of ballast water management regulations and the importance of Qualship 21


Recent Amendments to the Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Act


Making Sense of the Regulations

Rob Lomas, Regulatory Manager (London), gives practical advice for complying with international, regional, and local regulations


Ballast Water Management – 2016 and Beyond

Simon Bonnett, Safety & Technical Manager (London) outlines the status of ballast water management regulations, problems facing owners and operators, and the need for responsive flag administrations


IRI Manila Office Celebrates One-Year Anniversary


World’s First Very Large Ethane Carrier Flags with the Republic of the Marshall Islands


Reducing Vessel Detentions

Republic of the Marshall Islands flagged ships have a reputation of quality and value worldwide​


Panama Canal Expansion: Inaugural Transit Vessel Flies Republic of the Marshall Islands Flag


Avoidable Accidents at Sea

​​Every year, all too many seafarers injure themselves or die by slipping, tripping, or falling while undertaking a routine task on board a ship​


Visit the full blog site here.

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International Registries, Inc.

11495 Commerce Park Drive

Reston, VA 20191

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