Members of Palau International Ship Registry with the Italian Coast Guard
Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) Flag Inspectors benefited from a seminar hostedbetween February 20th to 24th at Italian Coast Guard General Headquarters in Romecovering Port State Control, Safety of Navigation, Maritime Security, Prevention of Pollution (MARPOL) and Minimum training standards for seafarers (STCW Convention).
The event was organized after a request by Palau International Ship Registry and was hosted by Rear Admiral Cristiano Aliperta, former Italian representative to the IMO and Head of 6th Department Safety of Navigation of the General Command.
Among other issues, high on the agenda was to improve the Palau International Ship Registry Flag Inspectors knowledge in regards to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the Prevention of Pollution (MARPOL), three issues that PISR has been actively promoting in the past year. Experts from the Italian Coast Guard such as the Head 6 ° Reparto – Safety of Navigation, Rear Admiral Luigi Giardino,accompanied by representatives of the main bodies of Recognized Organizations RINA, Bureau Veritas and DNV GL, outlined also new developments in procedures and training for seafarers (STCW Convention) and discussed the Port State Control procedures/inspections scheme.
Panos Kirnidis, CEO of Palau International Ship Registry, was delighted with the content of the seminar.
“We have developed a close relationship with the Italian Coast Guard and our inspectors learned a great deal from them during the seminar. Regulations, conventions and procedures are constantly being reviewed and Palau International Ship Registry maintains high standards because we keep on top of these issues. The ship owners and managers we work for want to remain in front of the regulations. It’s our role to ensure they are always working to the correct regulations so they can remain operating at peak performance. Thanks go to the Italian Coast Guard for their work and we feel this was such a useful seminar that we would very much like to repeat it with our inspectors in the future.”
Palau International Ship Registry opened its European head office in Piraeus in January 2017 and Panos Kirnidis believes they are on course to become one of the leading maritime registries in the near future.
“Our inspectors and auditors are working round the clock to keep our vessels at sea and yet we always find time to update and refresh the latest information that works for our clients. We are looking forward in the very near future to be one of the most respected and recognisable registries in the maritime world.”