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Home Associations CIC on MLC,2006 has achieved its goal of creating more awareness

CIC on MLC,2006 has achieved its goal of creating more awareness

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Richard Schiferli

Port State Control Officers in the Paris MoU region have performed a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 in the period from 1 September to 30 November 2016. The aim of the CIC was to verify that the minimum standards for working and living conditions have been implemented on and thereby creating more awareness.

Secretary General Richard Schiferli states: “Good working and living conditions on board will contribute to create a positive crew attitude towards safety onboard. That is why the MLC will always be a prime area of attention. The Paris MoU is satisfied with the overall result”.

A total of 3674 questionnaires for the CIC have been completed during regular inspections. The campaign resulted in 42 detentions (1.1%) directly linked to the MLC, 2006 requirements.

Positive results were recorded on certificates attesting medical fitness (98.2%), the verification of records of the inspections of the accommodation (98%), food and catering (97.4%), and whether a safety committee has been established (99.1%).

Less positive results on non-compliance were recorded on Seafarers Employment Agreements not being compliant with minimum standards (6.5%) and the availability of the onboard complaint procedure (5%).

Most of the 3674 ships inspected during the CIC were general cargo/multi-purpose ships, 1062 (28.9%) inspections and bulk carriers with 789 (21.5%) inspections.

Most of the 3674 CIC inspections carried out on board ships were flying the flags of Panama with 433 (11.8%) inspections, Malta with 328 (8.9%) inspections and Liberia with 314 (8.5%) inspections.

The results of the campaign will be further analysed and findings will be presented to the Port State Control Committee. The final CIC report will be published on the Paris MoU website (http://www.parismou.org/)

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