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Home Markets Markets Friday syndrome; geopolitics in disarray

Markets Friday syndrome; geopolitics in disarray

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John Faraclas

The BDI ended up at 1,260 – that is with 13 points plus since yesterday and 228 since last week’s closing – 1,032. On both occasions the Market’s and in particular the driving force – the volatile Capers managed 32 and 25 points plus respectively, losing steam… The Geopolitical scenery worsens. The Barcelona atrocities might open the Aeolus Winds and the Tempest so to speak will be inappropriate, but that’s just life. Expect anything or better say everything to happen… John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recap:

The Capers’ BCI managed only 32 points plus since yesterday (it was plus 218 yestreday) and now stands at 2,574 points… is it losing steam or was due to the fact that we had over 200 points plus yesterday… CAUTION! Overall the rise was 937 points since last week (from 1,637) and nearly double from a fortnight ago… It is good to see though the 2,000 point threshold being conquered…

The Panamaxes were up just nine points to 1,345 and 192 points from last Friday when the BPI stood at 1,153 points… Modest and safe…

The Supras did considerably well; the BSI gained 15 points going over and above the 800 point mark at 806 and 42 points up from last week when it was reading 764….

The Handies’ BHSI remained the same at 465 and was minus 15 points since last week when it stood at 478…

So all in all, even at these low overall levels, a good market thanks 80 centum to the Capers and we feel that again same are losing steam… so be CAUTIOUS.

The Wets on a downwards mode; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and  BCTI (Cleans) stood at 618 – minus two and 520 – plus three respectively; on a weekly basis both lost 10 and 36 points – from 628 and 556…

The Container Trade was analysed yesterday and we look forward to see your views, particularly from the specialists, not only those from the shipbroking fraternity but from bankers and politicians!

The WTI stands now at US$ 47.29 (15:20BST) which is nearly US$ 1,30 down from last week’s US$ 48.96… Very good level indeed.

The Stock Markets managed to survive – only when you see the Dow Jones below 20,000 and the FTSE below 6,500 you have to worry a bit … until then the bubble remains… if it bursts, which we feel it will, then all you have to do is to remain calm; there is nothing you can do except losing your fortune… so will your lenders…

The Western World in particular enjoys the northern hemisphere’s summer vacations whilst some nearby regions suffer from the wrath of Wars… coupled with ultra greediness…  CAUTION… The Maritime Tourism does well, even within contained regions…

The Geopolitical front now:

Following our latest on MIGRANTS – always the top and hottest of all issues, with the unusual influx into Spain, it was Spain again becoming the focal point yet again following the double atrocities last night – at the time of uploading and updated the news only the first macabre incident taken place in Barcelona was reported… The time comes that there must be a response here and now; Enough, end of the story! Our minds immy went back to the Madrid Railway Station in Atocha bombings 13 years ago in March 2014 when 192 lost their lives and nearly 2,000 were injured. The manhunt continues as you read this lines for the arrest of the instigators of this Islamist Terrorist massacre.  Will keep you posted!

The Wars in Syria and Iraq against ISIS and all the dozens or so groups there continues but nothing comes out as we have noticed and advised you in the main international news TV channels… The end will be though devastating for all.

Turkey still creating the kind of situation that its provocative style might lead to chaos in the region and in Europe too. Its president, Tayyip Erdogan is now upsetting the Germans by interfering to the forthcoming German general election urging the Turkish voters there to vote against the current coalition government headed by Mrs. Merkel… In the meantime Turkey continues to violate Greece’s and Europe’s airspace and an accident with incalculable repercurssions might happen… Today 14 Turkish airplanes violated 60 (sixty) times Greece’s and Europe’s airspace and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu continued his inflammatory statements, one of which says that there are no sea-borders between Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea!!! CAUTION! Don’t ask what happens in the interior of Turkey with the continuous mass arrests…

Greece is on ..holiday but September is ante portas; the Beatles song: Taxman will fully apply here but… Expect a mess period ahead. Time for this despicable regime to say good bye… Same applies though for the entire populist opposition! Enough!

The Cyprus issue is very upsetting and hopefully the leaked documents about the Turkish Army’s personnel to be reduce to the 1960 formula might help. Is the UN though impartial?

BREXIT proceeds further and despite the EU workers have reach the highest level so far other issues are very demanding… Is there any real scepticism with respect the post-Brexit Irish border issue? I guess Brussels will come to terms with the UK’s plan for a special customs union of a very special and perplexed type…

The Trump administration has a lot to do with a post-Brexit UK in the favour of both countries… Eat your heart out Angela Merkel! In the meantime the president must make up his mind with the growing provocations of the North Koreans and their allies… He must speak openly to the Chinese and the Russians….Japan is closely watching the situation… The USA is the superpower, undoubtedly  and  must prove its world leadership can act swiftly for the benefit of all. We mentioned in one of our recent reports that there are over one thousand ships in the region, in the Pacific basin and they can be affected as well as the crew on board!!! Meantime just learned that president Donald Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon has left his post; will keep you closely posted on these event, hopefully later on!

In South Africa the Grace Mugabe effect sends red alert to the country’s frontiers… In Sierra Leone 300 victims of the mudslide were buried; another 600 are unaccountable… Disaster!

In South America now; in Venezuela, 37 were killed in a prison riot…at Puerto Ayacucho the capital of Amazonas State…

Given the turmoil around Planet Ocean particularly with Pirates and Terrorists we urge all superpowers to ensure the continuous free passage on the high seas and dire straits… Suez, Aden, Hormuz, Malacca, the Dardanelles to name but a few… you never ever ever know…

We might revert later on including on the latest incident in Turku, Finland following stabbings and shootings there; until then be on guard for any eventuality deriving from Pirates and Terrorists worldwide.. We live in interesting times…

Uploaded 15:53 BST

Updated 22:05 BST

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