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Home MarketsChartering Dry Market stranded; Wets on the rise…

Dry Market stranded; Wets on the rise…

by admin

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) is losing steam again The Wets, thanks to Hurricane Harvey on the upturn and the Geopolitical situation might produce anytime now hell. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recap:

The BDI on a daily basis lost one point and now reads 1,183; on a weekly was down 26 points – from 1,209 .-

The Capers  lost 29 on a daily and 149 on a weekly basis standing at 2,269 points

The Panamaxes although gained nine on a daily, lost 37 since last week and now stand at 1,198 points.

Plus three points for the Supras now at 856 and 11 points plus since the 25th of August…

The Handies’ BHSI remained the same since yesterday – 486; it gained a dozen points since last Friday!

So, on in all the Dry Markets are on a downwards mode!

The Wets on the up! The last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 677 – up ten, and 703 – up 56 points respectively . On a weekly basis the Dirties gained 50 points – from 627 and the Cleans 195 – from 508…

The WTI stood at US$ 47.38   from US$ 47,97 last week – more or less the same…

The geopolitical front remains bleak with the same basic issues still there – MIGRANTS, Middles East, BREXIT, Greece, Turkey and North Korea… The last issue might produce more mess soon.

Eight days remain for the 8th Hydra Shipping Conference 2017; Money talks but wealth whispers  expected to be a very debatable and challenging event!

….and ten days remain for the major international biennial event LISW2017 in London and everybody is getting geared… The British Capital continues to call the shots to the detriment of those ignorant of London’s supremacy as the shipping and trading centre on Planet Ocean!

Have a nice weekend and be on guard from any eventuality form Pirates and Terrorists looming all over Planet Ocean!

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