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Home MarketsContainers MSC maiden call at the Genoa IMT Terminal (Messina Group)

MSC maiden call at the Genoa IMT Terminal (Messina Group)

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Vessel sharing agreement MAF1 Mediterranean -West Africa between Messina, MSC and Cosco.

The Msc “Songa Alya”, a 3,100 teu (2480 @ 14t) container vessel, will stregthen the collaboration between the Genoese group Messina and the Geneva based company; this ship will call at the Genoa IMT terminal (managed by the Messina Group) on Friday 8 September within the MAF1 vessel sharing agreement, including MSC, Ignazio Messina & C. and Cosco.

The IMT terminal recorded a booming traffic increase: in the first seven months of 2017, the terminal scored a 20% growth in the container sector.

The new MAF1 service was inaugurated only a few days ago, on August 28, with the departure of the “Calais Trader” container vessel operated by the Chinese company Cosco: it employs six ships of capacity between 2,500 and 3,100 TEU and connects directly, without transhipment, the western Med ports with West African destinations, offering weekly departures from the ports of Vado Ligure, Genoa, Castellon, Valencia and Algeciras to Dakar, Lome, Apapa, Tincan, Tema, Takoradi and Abidjan, thus granting best transit time on the market.
Thanks to the connections in the Genoa and Castellon hubs, Ignazio Messina & C. is able to offer highly competitive transit times for cargoes from North Africa, the Levante, the Red Sea, the Gulf and Iran.

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