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Home AssociationsP and I Clubs Steps to positive mental health – infographics

Steps to positive mental health – infographics

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In partnership with the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), the Club is releasing a series of Good Mental Health Guides to better mental wellbeing on board. The most recent release in the series provided seafarers with proactive Steps to Positive Mental Health.

The Steps to Positive Mental Health booklet includes specific strategies to tackle stress including an informative section on Mindfulness which explains how to use methods such as mindful breathing, to combat stress levels. To further enhance this initiative, the Club has issued an infographic which can be displayed on board to remind crew of mindful techniques for managing stress.

In addition to this new release, a second infographic has been produced to highlight key components of positive mental health, summarised as BACES (which stands for Body, Achieve, Connect, Enjoy and Step Back). This infographic provides seafarers with clear and concise measures for maintaining a positive mental state. This again, can be displayed on board to allow easy reference for crew and would be most effective displayed alongside the Mindfulness infographic in crew areas. Both infographics are available to view and download via the following links:

Infographic: Mindfulness on board

Infographic: BACES – Steps to Positive Mental Health

As with the guides, these infographics are primarily aimed at seafarers; however, it is also a useful tool for shore side departments, offering insight into how their crews may be affected by stressful situations on board.

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