6 February 2018 – EFIP is delighted to welcome Haven Genk NV / Port of Genk (Belgium) as a new member.
“Haven Genk is a privately owned, tri-modal inland terminal that provides a one-stop shop for logistic services through all transport modes (road – rail – water) with excellent service and in a very competitive way”, says Wesley Mazzei, managing director of Haven Genk NV. “A modal shift as a sustainable alternative or complementary solution to traditional road transport will provide a significant impact and is a large part of the solution to the congestion problems on our roads. I am convinced that intermodal solutions will leverage the competitiveness for the companies who decide to make use of it.”
© Haven Genk NV
A strategic location
Haven Genk has a strategic location in the Belgian province of Limburg, which is very centrally located in Europe, right in the hearth of the region spanning from Manchester to Barcelona to conveniently deliver logistic services to all major European industrial and consumer markets. Thanks to its location at the Albert Canal and given its excellent infrastructure, Haven Genk can meet all requirements to provide full handling services in a tri-modal way and door-to-door deliveries. Therefore, Haven Genk is also referred to as the extended gateway for the Port of Antwerp. Furthermore, given its location between Antwerp and the Ruhr area in Germany, Haven Genk is often considered as a hub between Germany and Antwerp where road transport is used to deliver goods to or from Haven Genk.
Types of services
Besides containers, large companies as well as SME’s call upon the storage and transshipment services of Haven Genk for bulk, conventional goods and general cargo (storage open air vs. bonded covered warehouses), e.g. scrap, ferro, food products, minerals, waste, liquids… Added value services are foreseen such as repair and cleaning services for containers, stuffing and stripping, fumigation, cross docking, etc. Through its private rail infrastructure and owned locomotives, Haven Genk is linked to the international railways. Currently, mainly rail transports to Northern Italy are foreseen. However, also other destinations are available or under research by Haven Genk (such as China, Eastern Europe, etc.). Also expedition services are foreseen, including the execution of customs related formalities.
EFIP President, Roland Hörner, said: “I very much welcome the Port of Genk as a new member because it has a very unique position in the Belgian region Limburg as the only trimodal (service) port and terminal operator. Besides, it has developed into a real multimodal hub and serves as an example logistic platform for transport by water, rail and road, also for the EU level. Because 2018 is the European year of multimodality, I am really looking forward to seize opportunities together and cooperate on strategic multimodal logistic matters and EU programmes.”