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Home MarketsDry Bulkcarriers At the end of the day the Capers’ surge is normal…

At the end of the day the Capers’ surge is normal…

by admin

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) ended up 46 points higher since yesterday and now reads 1,376. Geopolitics getting not just worse, they are so perplexed, worse than Ariadne’s Thread! John Faraclas’ daily market and Geopolitics recap:

No one should be surprised from the surge of the Cape-size freight rates given their collapse as well as the recent demand… The BCI was up 184 points now reading 2,314…

The Panamaxes’ BPI continued to fall, minimal though, but falling – at 1,264 it will soon be corrected…

The Supras’ BSI was up seven points at 1,037!

The fall continues for the Handies’ BHSI now at 614 – minus three…

The Wets again with mixed feelings and a bit reversed; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 637 – minus two and 557 – plus two points respectively…

The WTI was up a bit and ended at US$ 68.01! Caution, caution, caution!

The Newbuilding orders are not a secret and looks likely to me that despite the cautious voices to stop ordering, except on very extreme necessities, newbuildings is the name of the game… To those who are afraid, I remind them the question I put forward in January’s Marine Money in London respective panel: Are you afraid of Newbuildings?

All those who direct us en mass what to do, with all due respect, they better shut up. What if we all follow their advice on every occasion they say something?  Remember: News is what they don’t tell us; end of the story…

The Geopolitical mess engulfing us will greatly affect all sectors of the shipping industry.

The MIGRANTS multiply in an unprecedented way with a very …special algorithm so to speak! The Issue – as we have “branded” same, being the most important one all over Planet Ocean is bothering nearly every single nation for different reasons, save Europe with the distortion of the social cohesion which if not cubed it will cause even a social  upturn by the locals irrespective political ideology!

The Syrian inferno continues… expect spreading to Northern Iraq and a general conflagration in the wider Middle East… The Balkans too will be a flush point too give Turkish aspirations… The super powers have their own agenda’s and work on them… Power allows you any move… but…

The Turkish bullying of all nations bordering with Turkey continues and in general Turkey is after something big despite being in a bankrupt position… Looks as if a united Turkish front is there which coupled with religious fever can spill total mess around… We are at War, we are living the first years of WWIII, no question and let’s see how we mitigate the damages… Meantime 13 (thirteen) more turkish journalists have been convicted today…

Erdogan’s rhetoric is premeditated… Let’s see what’s the six superpowers response…

Next door Greece and its people face pressures from within – the politicians, most of them, still escape the guillotine so to speak and the current PM creates havoc which one day same has to be eradicated… the opposition parties cannot either get their act together. Expect mess. Too many problems in Greece’s foreign affairs, were unfortunately the EU and NATO do not speak strait! As the late president Charles de Gaulle said: No nation has friends only interests.

The Balkans as said above are still a dodgy area; Albania, Kosovo and the fYroM in a very messy situation within but also demanding land from adjacent nations…

Italy still without a government…

France’s president tries hard but he isn’t Charles de Gaulle… Let’s see the outcome of his USA trip… It was about time he should had offer to the American’s something similar to the Statue of Liberty… You get the message… Trump plays Trump with everybody and rightly so… who can challenge him? The perfect dandruff humour coves an interesting meeting on all aspects despite the differences… Bon!

BREXIT gets tougher for all and we eagerly await the end result.  My view is that at the end of the day it will be plain sailing for the United Kingdom. Patience is a virtue… And what about the Windrush issue?

Russia’s Putin is closely monitoring all these happenings with world leaders of the so called West meeting up and organising their defences on all fronts…

All eyes are also watching what’s next in Armenia…

Peter Madsen, the Danish inventor got a life sentence without parole for the murder of the Swedish journalist Kim Wall on his submarine; given the premeditated  nature of this despicable case capital punishment was more than appropriate!

That’s all for now, more news tomorrow, until then be on guard for any eventuality emanating from Pirates and terrorists looming in the background wherever you are  on Planet Ocean!

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