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Home MarketsContainers INTTRA sets record transaction volume

INTTRA sets record transaction volume

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Parsippany, NJ, June 14, 2018 – INTTRA, the largest neutral network, software and information provider at the center of the ocean shipping industry, today announced that May 2018 was a record month with more than four million requests for container bookings or shipping instructions processed on its platform. It was the first time in its 17-year history the company eclipsed four million requests in a single month.
The record volume shows the continued strength in INTTRA’s business and the value delivered to customers as shippers and carriers increasingly embrace digitalization to drive efficiency, visibility, and connectivity across the container freight supply chain.
“INTTRA continues to have strong momentum,” said John Fay, CEO of INTTRA. “Transactions are rising and customers are joining our platform at high rates. INTTRA will use its industry leading network and products to drive the industry forward in digitalization and will leverage our team’s long-standing expertise to deliver the benefits of standardization and innovation to our customers and the industry.”
May’s record-setting results followed strong growth in 2017 when the company processed 45 million container orders on its platform.

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