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Home MarketsChartering BDI falls at 1,720 amid perplexed Geopolitics

BDI falls at 1,720 amid perplexed Geopolitics

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John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost seven points and now stands at 1,720; Perplexed and enigmatic Geopolitics. John Faraclas’ brief markets and Geopolitics recap:

The Capes uncertainty brings the Dry Market down. The BCI lost 84 points and now stands at 3,476… below the 3,500 point threshold!

The Panamaxes BPI gained 44 points and now reads 1,447 – not bad after a long time in a falling mode; the last four days upwards mode is a real encouragement AND a blessing!

Still good news for the Supras’ BSI now at 1,050 – plus five points.
The Handies’ BHSI “move on” at last, clinching a point  and now standing at 544.

The Wets on mixed feelings; the BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 736 – plus five and 490 – minus one respectively.

Wonder what the analysts, the mega brokers have to say about the current state of the Markets – particularly the  Dry ones, given that:

a) We are – the BDI,  10,073 points below the 20th of May 2008 when the BDI reached the all time high of 11,793 points – over 10 (ten)  yeas now!

b) We are 1,430 points higher from the all time low of the 10th of February  2016 – over  two and a half years now… and,

c) We are 527 points below that of the end of December 2013 when the BDI stood at 2,247 points… – five and a half years now.

Add how many companies have gone under… Add the fact that the big boys more or less charter big fleet’s tonnage… Add the geopolitical mess with sanctions and other issues to surface… We hope we get in the comments box the appropriate replies….

Whatever people think, our view that shipping is only for the very very very few  remains firm! Did I hear you say Trade Wars?

The WTI stood earlier on at US$ 65.12… Caution!

The Geopolitical front on all issue we refer over the last eight years in all five continents gets worse.

The USA vs. Turkey saga tension will increase amongst others the MIGRANTS flow into Europe. The USA and its president are determined for actions against Turkey; expect the unexpected…

The Wars in Syria and Iraq continue and expect a conflagration in the entire Middles East with the participation one way or another of the entire Muslim World; CAUTION!

In many European counties the social cohesion with the Migrants has been broken; ultra caution is being advised.  Germany and many other European nations are trying to strike deals with say Spain, Italy and Greece where many MIGRANTS are to be returned… Mrs. Merkel, Mr. Macron and other leaders have a lot to do and win, but also to lose – most likely!

Turkey is technically bankrupt  and can externalised its problems. A country to be cautious as you never ever know how a loser like president Erdogan can react… Open issues with all its neighbours and odd relationships with countries outside the NATO family for its defence…

Greece next door still in limbo… Another county in a mess as the entire political establishment cares only for its well being and ministers just to be re-elected… Following the Wildfires with nearly 100 dead, expect major developments… As we have said numerous times in our reporting Greece needs here and now an Aristos team to govern and streamline its economy and correct its foreign policy problems  – Turkey, the Balkans and Cyprus.

China ties to counter to the USA by all available means… Caution!

Tough days ahead  given the expected outcome on the BREXIT; deal or no deal the UK will survive, end of the story. Pity though for Europe losing a very powerful member!

In Italy, the Morandi bridge collapsed suddenly last Tuesday, killing at least 38 people is now sending shocks all over…

It looks likely that former cricket star, 65 years old Imran Khan will be elected prime minister of Pakistan in a vote at the country’s National Assembly. PTI, the party he leads won most seats and he believes to create a new Pakistan. Cross your fingers as he has an internal issue: the economic crisis, and an external: India ! Can he score a triple centuries in the political arena…? In his career he scored six centuries!

In South America now, the new Paraguayan President Abdo Benítez was sworn in after defeating his liberal rival in April elections. Good luck to him being the youngest ever president in Paraguay!

In Africa’s Morocco, world acclaimed pop star Madonna turns 60 at Marrakesh ! The rest of the African continent still with problems of any kind you can imagine. Give Africa the chance!

Let’s don’t forget the bush fires in New South Wales – Australia  which have erupted across this drought-stricken  region! Almost 80 fires were burning today!

On another tone and note Aretha Franklin, the shinning example of how to use the arts support social change is now sailing and will sing from above in the sea of eternity! “Respect”, an example for all, particulalry for all Americans!!!

Have a nice evening and continue to be on guard from any eventuality emanating from Pirates, Terrorists and Criminals of any kind wherever you are on Planet Ocean, particularly now that the majority in the Northern Hemisphere are on their summer vacation!.


Uploaded 20:02 BST

Updated 23:55 BST

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