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Home OrganisationsPolitics and Government Mark Sobel on Trump, Daniel Glaser on financial crime, and more

Mark Sobel on Trump, Daniel Glaser on financial crime, and more

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COMMENTARY Trump wide of mark on ‘manipulation’

Although Donald Trump has legitimate gripes on China about the theft of intellectual property and high tariffs, his claims that Beijing is manipulating the renminbi are woefully wide of the mark. There is little evidence of more than scant Chinese foreign exchange market intervention, writes Mark Sobel. Read more.

PODCAST Winners and losers from the global bull market
Greg Medcraft, director of the OECD’s directorate for financial and enterprise affairs, speaks to Sofia Melis from OMFIF.

They discuss the difference between income and wealth inequality, and how financial literacy and blockchain-based financial products can support inclusive growth. Listen to the podcast.

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras

COMMENTARY Greek Odyssey far from over
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras hailed Greece’s exit from the third bail-out as ‘the end of a modern-day Odyssey’. But, for a country that has lost more than 25% of GDP during an almost decade-long recession, 2% GDP growth is far from enough to avoid trouble in the future, writes Danae Kyriakopoulou. Read more.

MEETING DZ BANK capital markets conference
This conference in Berlin between 5-7 September will bring together leading policy-makers, financial experts and industry representatives to discuss political and macroeconomic developments in Europe and beyond, as well as challenges for capital markets, alternative assets and the impact of digitalisation. Read more.
COMMENTARY Currency manipulation: Theory v. reality
Willie Sutton, the US bank robber, when asked why he robbed banks allegedly said, ‘Because that’s where the money is.’ He was a master in sleuthing how banks operated before he robbed them. The same spirit  is needed in assessing whether countries are ‘manipulating’ their currencies, writes Mark Sobel. Read more.
PODCAST In Conversation with Daniel Glaser
Daniel Glaser, a principal with the Financial Integrity Network and former assistant secretary for financial crimes at the US Treasury, speaks about the development of the international community’s approach to money laundering and the use of US financial sanctions for strategic policy goals. Listen to the podcast.
NEWS Managing financial globalisation
The multilateralised financial safety net built up by the Asean+3 countries over the last two decades will play an increasingly important role in the multilayered global financial system, according to Masatsugu Asakawa, Japanese vice-minister of finance for international affairs. Read more.

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