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Home MarketsChartering The BDI@1,482 gets more perplexed… like the Geopolitical conundrum

The BDI@1,482 gets more perplexed… like the Geopolitical conundrum

by admin

John Faraclas

Our last week’s ending title was rightly worded: “What a perplexed Dry Market with the BDI@1,490” as there was something alerting that damn feeling as well as that of the Geopolitics with the Armageddon ante portas;  John Faraclas’ daily market and Geopolitics briefing:

The BDI lost eight points earlier on today as the Capes had a controlled fall…

The Capes’ controlled fall was expressed in minus 48 points with the BCI now standing at 2,363 points; CAUTION…

The Panamaxes’ BPI gained 16 points and now stand at 1,544 – thankfully above the 11,500 threshold!

Plus two points for the Supras’ BSI now at 1,136 !

Even one point is better than losing; the Handies’ BHSI now stands at 569 points.

Mixed feelings for the Wets; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 785 and 516 points respectively; that’s up seven for the Dirties and 17 down for the cleans. Another area of CAUTION!

The WTI stood at US$ 67.70… Let’s see where we  are heading; I guess in a mess y situ….

The Geopolitics all over Planet Ocean become messy and I wouldn’t be surprised to see asymmetrical despicable events taking place all over… Take cover as:

The Migrants continue second by second to blow up the social cohesion, particularly in Europe! Shame to all politicians and diplomats involved. Hypocrits! Just get the message: Only a Naval Blockade with a Mandate and  Rules of Engagement can save the day! End of the Story!

The Middle East will soon produce a triple mess engulfing all nations in a radius up to 2,000 miles….

Turkey collapsing and blackmailing everybody, even NATO!

Greece with populist under the stairs politicians are trying to call once again a fast one to the Geek People…

Italy… ITALEXIT !!

The BREXIT saga might end up as we have foreseen the biggest issue on par with the Migrants… Nothing is settled… Expect surprises! Ms. May is right though!

Coming up September 11 dreadful anniversary; time to pause and tackle the issues and smash all Terrorists resistance once and for all!

Great events in Spetses island in Greece with the ARMATA finale over the weekend!!!!

Don’t miss the Hydra conference 14 and 15 September!!!

Reverting with more news; until then be on guard and alerted from actions emanating from Pirates and Terrorists – see what happened in Paris… and any Criminals whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean!

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