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Home Environment American Club Loss Prevention: New E-Learning tool- ship-to-ship transfer

American Club Loss Prevention: New E-Learning tool- ship-to-ship transfer

by admin

Joe Hughes

Following for the American Club members:

Your Managers are pleased to announce the release of the American Club’s latest e-learning module,

Ship-to-Ship Transfer. Ship-to-ship (STS) cargo transfer operations are significantly more complex than those involving a single vessel discharge of cargo, and involve a broader set of risk factors relevant to safety and environmental protection. The new e-learning module provides guidance for ships’ crews involved in STS operations in an easy-to-understand format.
The module is an amalgamation of best practices drawn from existing industry sources such as the OCIMF’s Ship to Ship Transfer Guide for Petroleum, Chemicals and Liquefied Gases, IMO’s Manual on Oil Pollution, and additional inputs and insights from experts with years of experience and knowledge of STS operations for dry bulk, liquid and gas cargoes.
Members wishing to access the new module should proceed as follows:
A) Members who are not using the Plug & Play (PnP) hard drive systems should go to the following link:
1. Select “Ship-to-Ship Transfer from the list of learning modules.
2. Login to “Administration/Training Records” as Super Administrator.
3. Click the “CHANGE REQUEST” tab.
4. Search for the User that you wish to enroll in the corresponding module.
5. Click the “Enroll” link.
6. Tick the “ Ship-to-Ship Transfer ” from the list of modules.
7. Click the “UPDATE” button.
B) Newly registered Members who wish to use the PnP hard drive systems for the module should go to the following link:
1. Login as Super Administrator.
2. Search for the User that you wish to enroll in the “Ship-to-Ship Transfer ” module.
3. Click the “ENROLLMENT” link.
4. Tick “Ship-to-Ship Transfer ” from the list of learning modules.
5. Click the “UPDATE ENROLLMENT” button.
Updates to the PnP hard drive system
Updates to the PnP hard drive system will be available soon.  A separate advisory will be sent to Members as soon as it is available.
Ship-to-Ship Transfer is also being translated into new and traditional Mandarin. Your Managers will notify Members as soon as these versions are available.
Members should direct any questions regarding the e-Learning tool system to Ms. Danielle Centeno, Assistant Vice President–Loss Prevention & Survey Compliance, at danielle.centeno@american-club.com or to Dr. William Moore, Senior Vice President at william.moore@american-club.com.
Yours faithfully,


Joseph E.M. Hughes, Chairman & CEO
Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., Managers for

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