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Home HRAnniversaries Capes “fight” back to keep the pace, but…

Capes “fight” back to keep the pace, but…

by admin


John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) gained ten points earlier on today and now stands at 1,018, thanks to the mild rise of the Capes; Geopolitics still messy. John Faraclas’ brief recap:

The Capes’ BCI was up 33 points and now stands at 1,089 points, a bit of a less than yesterday’s gains…

The Panamaxes’ BPI lost 15 points and now read 1,378…

The Supras and Handies fall was minimal; the BSI was down three to 956 points and the BHSI minus four to 638 points…

All in all a grounded dry market with uncertainty and asymmetrical perplexed things to happen. The reality though is that we are 1,229 points below the end of December 2013 when the BDI stood at 2,247… The rest is blah blah; end of the story… I stick to this point and dare ask under which proviso ships valuations take place…?? Eh! Add the situ in the stock markets with the majority of listed companies in dire straits..

Mixed feelings the Wets; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 1,104 – minus three and 650 – plus seven points respectively.

The WTI as these lines are being written fell to US$53.86 (22:00gmt) and let’s see what’s next. For sure as we have said: expect surprises!

The 2020 and in general the environmental pathetic regulations will extinct many owners. We all care about the environmental but something is wrong – you dead well know what I mean… Shipping as we numerous times have stressed via this reports becomes shipping for the very very very few.

Geopolitics getting sour and this is only the beginning of the end of the World you knew. All the issues analysed over the last few years remain the same – some of them are already creating havoc…

Anyway, its Thanksgiving Day today and we take a break but at the back of our mind Humanity remains our major concern… news continue and like the time never stop…

I will leave you with a thought: Are we going to see a new shipping route north of Canada?

IMO’s Secretary-General Kitack Lim

On another tone and note, at the IMO, the Council has agreed to renew the appointment of Kitack Lim as Secretary-General of the IMO for a second four-year term, beginning 1 January 2020, subject to the approval of the IMO Assembly in December 2019.

Have a nice evening and remain on guard from actions emanating by Pirates, Terrorists and any Criminal whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean!

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