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Home NewsComment Post-Brexit UK will find no sympathy, City Lecture with Vítor Constâncio

Post-Brexit UK will find no sympathy, City Lecture with Vítor Constâncio

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Commentary: Post-Brexit UK will find no sympathy

By Joergen Oerstroem Moeller in Singapore

Regardless of whether it endures in its current form or is amended in the coming weeks, Theresa May’s Brexit deal with the EU opens the door to further contentious negotiations. The first involves expanding on the political declaration on future UK-EU trade relations. After Brexit, one can assume ratification of a UK-EU trade agreement will be far from imminent. The second concerns the World Trade Organisation and negotiating new bilateral trade deals. There is already little altruism in such talks, and there will be no extra sympathy for Britain.

Read the full commentary on the website.

Meeting: City Lecture with Vítor Constâncio

Wednesday 23 January 2019, London, 10:30 GMT

A City Lecture with Vítor Constâncio, vice-president of the European Central Bank who served from June 2010-May 2018. The lecture focuses on the developments in the euro area and the necessary steps needed to strengthen and reinforce the European monetary union framework.

Request to attend the meeting.

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