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Home MarketsChartering The BDI@629: stuck, coincidence, the beginning of an upturn…? Time will tell!

The BDI@629: stuck, coincidence, the beginning of an upturn…? Time will tell!

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John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) remained unchanged at 629 points “offering” a deep breath to all… Time, as per our titles ending, will tell… We still advise CAUTION! Geopolitics still messy and perplexed and MP Costis Hatzidakis of Greece’s opposition vice president of New Democracy tries his best at the LSE… John Faraclas’ daily recap:

The fall of the Capes continued and the BCI now stands at 929 – minus 43 points…

The Panamaxes’ BPI remained at 553 points.

Eight points down for the Supras’ BSI now at 415 points…

No change for the Handies’ BHSI, still at 294…

It’s a bid odd as the BDI despite the fall of the Capes and that of the Supras remained at 629 points… I had some calls with people asking on why… All say that this doesn’t correlate… Can you tell me please what your view…is?

The Wets fell; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 806 and 636 – minus 18 and four points respectively; CAUTION!

The WTI was on slight rise; at 23:00 GMT it stood at US$ 54.01; CAUTION!

So what an enigmatic market? Again time will tell…

The Geopolitical front, a factor affecting 100 centum the entire Shipping Industry remains a total mess… Too many serious and perplexed issues appear and it’s built up leads only to the Third World War for which we have in the past made a special reference.

MIGRANTS remain the top issue.

The Syrian and Iraqi saga remains and let’s wait to see an official 100 centum announcement that ISIS have been 100 centum defeated. And now what’s the next step with Syria, its Kurds being bullied appropriately by Erdogan’s Turks…The Russian agenda there…?

The East Med mess…

The real outcome of Greece’s PM Tsipras visit in Erdogan’s Turkey… what’s up there… CAUTION.

The Balkans mess and how the TBN* Republic of North Macedonia behaves…

BREXIT to a tight rope situ!! CAUTION! The Ports and in general Shipping issues vis-a-vis BREXIT are a major concern. The Backstop issue with Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland is a very thorny issue and same must be solved before “afterwards” brings discontent and mess… Time is of essence; it’s not for MP’s, BREXIT it’s for the 66 plus million of people of the United Kingdom and beyond. Remember this!

Are we going for an ITALEXIT?

President Trumps’ State of the Union speech in a much divided Congress chamber affects the entire Planet Ocean…

The Venezuelan mess which one way or another will lead to clashes and spill overs…

Next door in Brazil, a Brazilian court increased the sentence of former president Lula – nearly doubled same for corruption… In jail things are very different; how will he and his supporters counter?

China despite the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Pig continues to defend itself from the effects of Trump’s Trade War and be ready for the day after. The Dog (2018) is still barking… and let’s see how the Pig reacts…

More news Geopolitical news tomorrow

Costis Hatzidakis at the podium delivering his speech;seated Prof. Spyros Economides – picture credits dnm

On another tone and note at the Hong Kong Amphitheatre down at the LSE, Costis Hatzidakis an opposition MP and vice-president of New Democracy party – which according to the pollsters might win Greece’s forthcoming general election, delivered a speed under the title: “Making a difference in Greece”. He was introduced by Prof Spyros Economides Everything is populism of the worse kind? Indeed Greece needs a major overhaul, but can New Democracy really deliver its promises? One of his slides titled: Competitive, stable tax rates and investment incentives included..:

  • 30 %  reduction of single property tax
  • Corporate tax rate from 29% to 20% and dividend tax from 15% to 5%
  • 2% tax reduction for companies with >50 employees that increase workforce by 10%
  • Incentives for Geek start-up angel investors
  • Stable tax regime…

    Picture credits: dnm

Wonder whether he understands the maxim: “promises make debts and debts make promises” vis-à-vis this slide?(see on the right herein). Admitting that New Democracy did made mistakes is one think, saying that now the ball is in Syriza’s court, yet another; an unconstructive remark!  And, how can Cyprus be a shinning example for recovery? One cannot compare two different models of economy; come on!

Prof. Spiros Economides introducing the speaker – picture credits: dnm

Indeed SYRIZA made it a far worse mess; that’s a factum, but don’t call wolf! SYRIZA shouldn’t be the winner of yet another scamy election despite the fact that the foreign factor prefers Tsipras (not SYRIZA – let’s be serious). Its partner in government until recently, ANEL and its president Kammenos will simply make the shit hit the fan; he has nothing to lose!

Money, money, money; did I heard well: Recapitalising the banks? That simply means me the 5th Memorandum… Another tench of good money to throw after bad…

The event was hosted by the Hellenic Observatory.

That’s all for tonight; have a nice evening and continue to remain on guard from actions emanating by Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean!

*TBN= to be named…

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