The BDI@664; Capes’ fall continues
The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) clinched a point as the Capes dive further… Geopolitics still in jeopardy. John Faraclas’ midweek brief recap:
The Capes’ BCI lost another 29 points earlier on today and now reads 270; what’s next? A catastrophe? Is it reversible?
The Panamaxes continued to rise with the BPI at 938 – plus 14 points!
The Supras’ BSI gained seven points and now reads 783…
Six points plus for the Handies’ BHSI now reading 413 points.
All in all an upwards Dry Market with the Capes though causing problems…
The Wets once again with mixed feelings; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 754 – minus eight and 585 – plus four points respectively…
The WTI fell a bit and now reads US$ 56.22 – down 34 cents from yesterday’s US$ 56.56…
The Geopolitical situation coupled with financial disasters and all the told and untold confrontations leads with mathematical accuracy to WWIII!
All main Geopolitical issues remain; Migrants, the Wars and messy situation in the entire Middle East, the Balkans, East Med and Black Sea, Turkey’s jeopardy with Russia and its position with respect its neighbours, Greece and Cyprus; Brexit, The Donald Trump issues – internal and external ones; China and its appetite in the Pacific and the entire Latin and South American continent…
Another dubious parcel was discovered today in Glasgow University and linked to the London ones yesterday. Caution and vigilance are advised… More Geopolitical news tomorrow.
On another tone and note the 6th Eastern Mediterranean Gas Conference (EMGC) kick started earlier on today at Nicosia’s Hilton hotel, Cyprus; a very timely event given the latest discoveries at Cyprus’ EEZ. An excellent agenda with excellent themes, speakers and major companies from all over the place participating. The conference continues tomorrow when we will revert with more news.
Have a nice evening and continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean…