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Hot Port News from GAC

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Hot Port News from GAC


Hong Kong

Hay Point, Australia

Dredging off Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter
Thursday, May 16, 2019, Hong Kong

For approximately 3 months, dredging operations [are being] carried out within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D) and the adjacent shoreline:
(A) 22 deg. 18.301’N / 114 deg. 13.371’E
(B) 22 deg. 18.276’N / 114 deg. 13.336’E
(C) 22 deg. 18.339’N / 114 deg. 13.281’E
(D) 22 deg. 18.370’N / 114 deg. 13.322’E

The works will be carried out by a flotilla of vessels including one dumb lighter, one backhoe pontoon, three bucket pontoons, one hopper barge, one tugboat and one work boat. The number of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to suit operational requirements.

A working area of approximately 15 metres around the lighter, barge and pontoons will be established. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the lighter, barge and pontoons.

A silt curtain fitted with yellow flashing lights will be established within the works area. The silt curtain is a large piece of netting used to contain mud and sediments.

The hours of work will be from 0800 to 1900 hours. No works will be carried out on Sundays and public holidays. Vessels employed for the works will stay in the works area outside the hours of work.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.80 of 2019

Amended port navigation depths
Thursday, May 16, 2019, Hay Point, Australia

The design and actual navigation depths below port datum, Lowest Astronomical Tide, as of Wednesday, 15 May 2019, are as follows:

HPS Berth No. 1
– Designed Depth (metres): 16.6
– Actual Depth (metres) 16.5

HPS Berth No. 2
– Designed Depth (metres): 16.7
– Actual Depth (metres) 16.7

HPS Berth No. 3
– Designed Depth (metres): 19.0
– Actual Depth (metres) 18.3

DBCT Berth No. 1
– Designed Depth (metres): 19.6
– Actual Depth (metres) 19.5*

DBCT Berth No. 2
– Designed Depth (metres): 19.6
– Actual Depth (metres) 19.0*

DBCT Berth No. 3
– Designed Depth (metres): 19.0
– Actual Depth (metres) 18.9*

DBCT Berth No. 4
– Designed Depth (metres): 19.0
– Actual Depth (metres) 19.0*

*New or revised entry.

(For information about operations at Australian ports contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com)

Source: Department of Transport and Main Roads – Maritime Safety Queensland Notice to Mariners 218 (T) of 2019, issued by Hay Point Maritime Region on 15 May 2019

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