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UK Hydrographic Office appoints Chief Executive

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Rear Admiral Tim Lowe CBE

UK Hydrographic Office appoints Chief Executive

TAUNTON, 31 MAY 2019 – The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) is pleased to announce the appointment of Rear Admiral Tim Lowe CBE as its new Chief Executive and Accounting Officer. 

Tim joined the UKHO as National Hydrographer and Deputy Chief Executive in 2015. In January 2019, he was made Acting Chief Executive, leading the UKHO’s transformation to become a modern marine geospatial information agency and hydrographic office.

This included overseeing the opening of the UKHO’s award-winning office and championing key projects that have helped government, academia and the wider marine community make the best use of our oceans in safer, more secure and more sustainable ways.

Commenting on his appointment Tim said:

“I am extremely proud to have been appointed Chief Executive at such a pivotal moment for the UK Hydrographic Office.

“As we approach the ‘Decade of Ocean Science’, the need for marine geospatial data and expertise has never been greater, with the world facing increasing challenges in terms of safety, security and maximising the utility of our ocean resources in a sustainable way. Whether supporting the safe navigation of ships, helping our navy to keep our shores safe, or enabling coastal communities to understand their marine environment and grow their marine economies – we are well placed as an organisation to meet these challenges.”

“I am looking forward to leading the UKHO into these exciting times ahead, as we continue to collaborate with our friends and partners across the globe to grasp this unique opportunity and unlock the value of marine geospatial data.”

A serving Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy, Tim is also a navigation and underwater warfare specialist and has commanded both ashore (HMS COLLINGWOOD) and afloat (three Sea Commands and two Operational Commands).

Other previous assignments include leading the Combined Maritime Forces counter piracy activity in the Indian Ocean (where he established the Shared Awareness and Deconfliction meeting), two assignments with NATO, and policy and operational staff appointments in the MOD, Flotilla and Fleet HQs.

On assuming the role of Chief Executive and Accounting Officer Tim will relinquish his Naval duties and responsibilities.

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