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Hot Port News from GAC




Torres Strait, Australia

Panama Canal, Panama

Reclamation work off Changi East
Thursday, July 25, 2019, Singapore

The working period for reclamation work off Changi East has been extended. The work will now be conducted from 27 July 2019 to 27 January 2020.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No.069 of 2019 dated 23 July 2019, the work will be carried out 24 hours daily – including Sundays & Public Holidays – within the working area bounded by the following coordinates (WGS 84 Datum):
1) 01 deg. 18.681’N / 104 deg. 00.289’E
2) 01 deg. 18.591’N / 104 deg. 00.382’E
3) 01 deg. 18.356’N / 104 deg. 00.789’E
4) 01 deg. 18.437’N / 104 deg. 00.985’E
5) 01 deg. 18.945’N / 104 deg. 00.971’E
6) 01 deg. 18.936’N / 104 deg. 00.657’E
7) 01 deg. 18.821’N / 104 deg. 00.462’E

The reclamation works will include shore protection, sand filling, construction of rock revetment, and removal of sea wall and breakwater. A safety boat will be deployed in the vicinity of the working area to warn other craft of the project.

Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
a) Keep well clear of the working area;
b) Maintain a proper lookout;
c) Proceed at a safe speed and to navigate with caution;
d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 12 (East Control);
e) Communicate with East Control on VHF Channel 12 for assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com

Deployment and installation of data marker buoys
Thursday, July 25, 2019, Singapore

From 26 July to 5 August, data marker buoys will be deployed and installed in waters off East Coast Park, Tanah Merah and Changi East, at the following co-ordinates:
1) 01 deg. 17.675’N / 103 deg. 55.227’E
(Yellow/ Pillar / OC(2).Y.6s / NEA-WRM-MP)
2) 01 deg. 18.498’N / 103 deg. 58.457’E
(Yellow/ Pillar / OC(2).Y.6s / NEA-WRM-EC)
3) 01 deg. 19.853’N / 104 deg. 02.544’E
(Yellow/ Pillar / OC(2).Y.6s / NEA-WRM-CNB)

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No.067 of 2019 dated 22 July, the deployment/installation works will be carried out 24 hours daily, including Sundays.

The data marker buoys will be installed by crane barges and tugs. A safety boat will be in attendance at all times to warn and re-direct craft in the vicinity to keep clear of working area.

Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
a) Keep well clear of the working area;
b) Maintain a proper lookout;
c) Proceed at a safe speed and to navigate with caution;
d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 12 (East Control); and
e) Communicate with Sembawang Control on VHF Channel 22 for assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com

Maximum draught increase
Thursday, July 25, 2019, Torres Strait, Australia

Torres Pilots have been assisting the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) and maritime engineering company OMC International with the UKCM Trials piloting AMSA-approved vessels via Torres Strait with a maximum draught up to 12.50m.

These trials have proven successful and AMSA has issued Exemption 03/2019 which will allow pilots to pilot Bulk Carriers and Tankers through Torres Strait with a maximum draught up to 12.50 metres, using the Under Keel Clearance Management System (UKCMS).

Torres Pilots have been using the AMSA approved UKCM System since 2014 and will present Masters with a UKCM transit plan and assist with the use of the UKCM system during pilotage.

AMSA has advised that the trials demonstrate that tidal windows are available for safe transit of vessels through Torres Strait at drafts of up to 12.5 M and fully comply with Marine Order 54.

The approval for vessel transits with draughts up to 12.5 M is extended to bulk carriers and tankers, as per the following:

Vessel type: Bulk Carrier
Parent Hull form: Bulk Carrier

Vessel type: Combination Carrier
Parent Hull form: Bulk Carrier

Vessel type: Wood – Chip Carrier
Parent Hull form: Bulk Carrier

Vessel type: Chemical Tanker
Parent Hull form: Tanker

Vessel type: Gas Tanker
Parent Hull form: Tanker

Vessel type: MODU or FPSO
Parent Hull form: Tanker

Vessel type: NLS Tanker
Parent Hull form: Tanker

Vessel type: Oil Tanker
Parent Hull form: Tanker

Trials are ongoing for container vessels and are expected to be completed by 31 October, when it is hoped that they too will be approved for the new draught limit.

Operators and Masters of vessels transiting the Torres Strait drawing in excess of 10.50m are reminded that they will require tidal rise to allow the required UKC. It is prudent when planning the voyage to note that tidal windows are initially indicated to the Master / Owner based on AHO published tide table predictions and require verification with actual tides 48 hours prior to arrival.

The Torres Pilots’ Duty Pilot at Thursday island in Torres Strait is available 365 days a year to monitor on a daily basis actual tidal rise with predictions. Masters will be alerted if there is any change in the expected tidal window, to enable vessels to plan to minimise any possible delay whilst waiting for the required tidal rise.

Minimum under keel clearances (UKC) required are as follows for the Varzin Passage and Prince of Wales (POW) Channel draught-restricted parts of the Torres Strait:

Draft: Less than 11.90m
– Varzin Passage: 1.0m
– POW Channel: 1.0m

Draft: Less than 11.90m
– Varzin Passage: 1.0m
– POW Channel: 10% of draft

For information about operations in Australia contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Scheduled lane outage at Miraflores Locks
Thursday, July 25, 2019, Panama Canal, Panama

Beginning at 1200 hours on Monday, July 29, 2019, until 1200 hours on Tuesday, August 06, 2019 (8 days), the West lane of Miraflores Locks will be out of service for scheduled maintenance.

As a result, and in accordance with the rules governing the Transit Reservation System (OP’s Notice to Shipping No. N-7-2019), Condition 2 for the Panamax locks will be in effect from Tuesday, July 30, 2019, until Tuesday, August 6, 2019.

Applications for reserved transits while Condition 2 is in effect will be received beginning at 0900 hours on Saturday, July 27, 2019. The Just-In-Time (JIT) transit slots available for supers will be reduced to one for each direction while Condition 2 is in effect, whereas the JIT slots for regular vessels transiting without restrictions will remain at one for each direction. The booking slot available through the auction process, as well as the slots

available for regular vessels less than 300 feet in LOA, and the slots for Neopanamax vessels, will continue to be offered during this period.

(For information about operations in the Panama Canal, contact GAC Panama at operations.panama@gac.com)

Source: Panama Canal Authority Advisory to Shipping No.A-27-2019 dated 24 July 2019

[Note: During Conditions 2 and 3, no more than six supers may be booked for transit in the same direction and, of these, no more than four with daylight restrictions. The number of daylight restricted vessels shall not exceed six, and the number of JIT transit slots may not exceed one per direction. To avoid delays is highly recommended to go for pre-booked slots.]

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