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Markets rebound amid worse ever geopolitics

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John Faraclas

Markets rebound amid worse ever geopolitics

The BDI (Batic Dry Index) ended up 50 points and now reads 2,168; same was also up 80 points since last week’s closing (16/8) when it stood at 2,088. Geopolitics continue to worsen with the Trade Wars widening and spreading in many fronts. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recaps:

The Capes  and to a certain extent the Supras  led the way up; the BCI was up 162 points and now reads 3,991 – a fraction below the 4,000 points threshold! On a weekly basis the BCI was up 165 points – up from 3,826!

15 points plus for the Panamaxes’ BPI now at 2,196. On a weekly basis the BPI was up 27 points – from 2,169.

Good performance for the Supras with 29 points plus reaching the 1,249 point mark; rich pickings on a weekly basis: 131 points plus – up from the 1,118 mark

The Handies’ BHSI gained ten points and now stands at 619; the weekly gains were 59 points – up from 560 points. Good to see the Handies above the 600 point mark!

The Wets were both on a daily and weekly count up! The last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 662 – plus six points and 469 – plus seven points respectively. The Weekly figures were good; both categories gained 16 points – up from 646 and 453 points respectively.

The WTI  was down a bit at US$ 54.21 and minus 66 cents from last week’s US$ 54.87.

The MIGRANTS still maintain the top position from all issues put together and wonder how one can contain same given the pathetic response and way in tackling same.  Sheer incompetence from the EU authorities and other non-European Union nations. Another hot spot now appears in the British Channel with many coming over from France… Yesterday 64 tried to cross over  and the Home Office said that five dinghies were intercepted off the coast of Kent whilst one made it to a Sussex beach! The French authorities stopped two dinghies  with 19 adults, 10 children and a baby. All in all 900 MIGRANTS included 80 children have made it this year from France. All these crossings, like those in the Med and Black Sea, entails the danger of loss of life, the criminals – traffickers et al who really don’t care about human life at all; add the under-cover terrorists and see what you get! A very grave situation. Witnessing once again on the Greek island of Chios in the north Eastern Aegean Sea just off the Anatolian Coast of Turkey what takes place with the Migrants, we repeat our position: Only a Naval Blockade with a Mandate and Rules for Engagement can deter this despicable situation which threatens to break the social cohesion, bring in the EU Terrorists and Criminal Gangs, and leave Europe in a mess and give an excuse for the right wing and many more others to “resurrect” and react beyond racism. Add the fact that more and more citizens are fed up with this prolonged mess, hence we “invited” Mrs. Merkel to come with us, the www.allaboutshipping.co.uk team and we will saw her the harsh reality of the Migrants and the mess they create, not that that the local authorities and all Greek Governments have sown her as well as to other EU officials! We provoke indeed and we employ irony so that we bring them live on TV and ridicule them! Only 25 (twentyfive) percent of the MIGRANTS are fine people; the others are having other things in mind at the back of their minds. This medium has done its best to saw all on Planet Ocean the reality on Chios and in Paleon Faliron / Kalamaki suburbs of south Athens. Others have through photography saw the despicable events on the island of Lesvos! Any objection? It’s not just the Syrians, you have Pakistanis, Kurds, Iranians, Afghanies, Iraqis, needless to say the thousands from the Sub Saharan region…

Turkey continues to provoke all in the East Med / and Aegean region,  be it for the Oil and Gas in the Cypriot EEZ or the violations  of Greece’s and conversely the European Union’s Airspace and Territorial waters. Enough from the Brussels hype! In Syria Turkey by using blackmail tries to convince the USA on the Turkish policy for the Kurds east of the Euphrates’ region… The S-400 and the F-35 case are “silent” lately… What a hype and mess…

Putin’s Russians are doing whatever supports their strategic interests in the region…

Greece is trying to correct all the terrible mistakes the SYRIZA government left behind… No plan  ever existed to take Greece out of the mess… Let’s hope that this centre-right wing government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis does something positive! And as we are on the island of Chios, per mare per terra we need to see the expansion of the runway which remains inactive. NO MORE EXCUSES!!! The touristic development rests with the ability of the Omiros Airport to receive mega aircrafts and charter-flights of 180-360 passengers!  Following the expropriation of land, no excuses have a leg to stand! Let’s hope the marina off the Skylitsion Hospitals becomes a place to attract yachts and create business. Chios needs more hotels at least ten with a capacity of 300- 800 beds each! Chians have the goodwill but the Greek State doesn’t. Above all Chios needs a total face-lift of its infrastructure and a specialist to promote Tourism!!!! We sincerely hope that the new Regional Governor Prof. Kostas Moutzouris acts accordingly, he can!

The Balkans still in turmoil and Kosovo will create further mess… CAUTION. The Balkans remain  a high risk region!

Italy will make waves as if Salvini becomes prime Minister too many things will change!

The Iranian tanker “Andrian Darya 1” (ex “Grace 1”) heads towards East Med but NOT in Greece’s Kalamata port in south western Peloponnese as rumours have it, nor in Mersin’s low draft port in Turkey which is very close to Syria. Whoever doesn’t follow the USA’s orders will be punished; sanctions mean sanctions; end of the story – unless…

The Trade Wars and in particular that between the USA and China gets heated… Let’s see the winner and what will be the impact on the looser…

Japan and South Korea at loggerheads !!!

India and Pakistan might opt to play with fire. Let’s see the innings of Imran Khan… CAUTION as revenge is not a strategy for both nations… Demilitarization of the entire Kasmir is the only option as the administration of both countries in their respective regions might ignite an unwanted war and nukes might be an option…

North Korea plays with fire yet again… Stop these ballistic missile tests or else will be the next commandment…

The G7 meets this weekend in France’s Biarritz with too many burning issues in the …agenda… Wonder if there will be any progress to include Russia, even at the last moment… BREXIT with too many “frills” attached – such as the Irish backstop, the possible USA deal which will be “administered” by the Nancy Pelosi proviso that same doesn’t undermines the Good Friday Agreement, the Trade Wars, the MIGRANTS and many many more issues… Wonder if there will be any proposals to educe the Global Debt now standing at US$ 250 (two hundred and fifty million)… We do not have faith and major expectations from this summit; CAUTION!

The Amazon still on fire with detrimental results for the Brazilian, south American and Global endangered environment. CAUTION. wonder when the Brazilian Army steps in to alleviate the mess…

Venezuela sounds quite but i reality its not!

The Hong Kong protests are now 12 weeks old; CAUTION! Not a nice situation!

Reverting with more turbulent Geopolitics news and other stories before midnight; until then have a nice evening and enjoy the long weekend given that in England and Wales we have our long… expected Bank Holiday and the Notting Hill Carnival… Others are still holidaying worldwide…  Remember to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.

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