Living with deflation, Developing sustainable capital markets
Tuesday 8 October 2019 – Vol.10 Ed.41.1
Commentary: Living with deflation
By Neil Williams in London
The likelihood of Japan-style deflation emerging in other parts of the world is increasing, though this is more a process – a ‘crack in the ice’ – than a ‘cliff-edge’ event. And while it may not involve a general downturn in living standards – Japan remains a prosperous G3, $5tn economy (almost twice the size of the UK’s) – the main challenge would be the shift in mindset needed to live with deflation. After a decade of trying to shore up inflation, central banks are reverting to the tools that failed them.
Read the full commentary on the website.
Meeting: Developing sustainable capital markets – Mapping the challenges and setting priorities
Saturday 19 October, Washington, 07:30-09:30 EST
OMFIF and DZ BANK hold their eighth joint IMF breakfast panel discussion, which concentrates on priorities in the development of sustainable capital markets and green bond issuance. The meeting will bring together perspectives from central banks, sovereign funds and international financial institutions, as well as private sector market participants. Key speakers include Frank Elderson, chair of the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System.
Request to attend the meeting.