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Home ShipmanagementBunkering probunkers joins Getting to Zero Coalition

probunkers joins Getting to Zero Coalition

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probunkers joins Getting to Zero Coalition 

probunkers takes part in the multi-stakeholder environmental partnership

Athens, Greece, 7 November 2019 – probunkers has become member of the “Getting to Zero” Coalition.  Aiming to lead the change towards clean marine fuels through establishing a global network of LNG bunkering infrastructure, probunkers will contribute to the Coalition’s think tank through the developments in the LNG and bio/synthetic LNG as fuel market.

“The Coalition’s goals and vision are spreading through the maritime industry and more stakeholders understand that contributing to and keeping up with the IMO’s targets is the only viable way forward. We, at probunkers, feel obliged to participate in paving this way through supporting the adoption of LNG as marine fuel, one of the dominant solutions to reach the goal of ZEVs in the near future”, said probunkers Chief Executive Officer, Alexander Prokopakis.

The Coalition members form an impressive collection of industry stakeholders varying from financial institutions to ship owning giants sharing the core values of commitment to the goal of zero emission vessels, safety, technological neutrality, action orientation as each member can affect the industry, commercial viability, inclusivity and openness.

About Getting to Zero Coalition

Getting to Zero Coalition is a partnership between the Global Maritime Forum, Friends of Ocean Action and the World Economic Forum, bringing together industry stakeholders to work towards the full decarbonisation of the industry. To achieve this goal by 2050 in alignment with the 50 per cent reduction in GHG emission compared to 2008 as set by IMO in 2018, zero emission vessels (ZEV) are a necessity by 2030.


About probunkers

probunkers was established in 2017 in Cyprus. Its headquarters are based in Athens, Greece. The company will have shareholding control over a group of companies operating in the sectors of shipping and energy. The Shipping division will design, build, own and operate a fleet of LNG supply vessels. The Commercial Companies will also be fully owned by the Holding company. The Commercial division will have presence and operate in seven geographical locations across the globe, through local branches.


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