Unsustainable Volatile Markets with the BDI down at 1,364
The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) fell just a point earlier on today despite the Capes’ “surge”. Geopolitics still perplexed and any time we might feel the tsunamis. John Faraclas’ brief recap:
The Capes’ BCI was up 58 points at 2,623 surpassing the 2,600 point threshold.
All other Dry Indices continue to fell; the Panamaxes BPI was down 33 at 1,137 points…
The Supras’ BSI down 13 points at 745 and the Handies’ BHSI was also down seven points at 514!
The Wets produced an interesting rebound; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI Cleans) stood at 1,082 – that’s plus 98 surpassing once again after a sharp fall the 1,000 point threshold and 612 – that’s nine points respectively.
The WTI lost 35 cents since yesterday and now stands at US$ 56.77!
Don’t ask what happens in Geopolitics and simple “politics”; both derailing our society in all fronts. Amid this mess, flooding and wild fires as well as Cyclones and Typhoons create havoc in parts of the UK, in Italy – Venice under the water; CAUTION.
Will revert tomorrow with more news with our special weekly recap; until then, have a nice evening and remain on guard from action emanating by Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean…