The mobile Exhibition of HELMEPA titled “Marine Environment and Sciences” was hosted at the “Dimitris Bogris” Auditorium of the Town Hall of Salamina Island and operated under the auspices of the local Municipality between 8 and 14 November 2019.
In cooperation with the Directorate for Primary Education of Piraeus and the Department of Social Services, Education and Culture of the Municipality, HELMEPA transported to the Exhibition 740 students and 55 teachers of 13 Primary and High Schools of Salamina, Ampelakia, Foinikas, Selinia and Aianteio. Their transport expenses to the Exhibition were covered by HELMEPA.
During the guided tours, HELMEPA’s scientific staff focused, among other, on the problem of marine pollution with plastics which we thoughtlessly discard in the natural environment and end up in the sea, suggesting simple ways in which we can all contribute to the solution by reducing single use plastics in our everyday life.
According to the results of the survey conducted by HELMEPA in Salamina, it is encouraging that the students are environmentally aware, participate in voluntary activities and 93% of them take part in the municipal recycling program. 80% of Primary School students consider street and beach litter as the most serious environmental problem, while it is noteworthy that the children use a water flask instead of a plastic bottle and 2 out of 3 households use either cloth bags, multipurpose plastic bags or shopping carts for their shopping, in replacement of the single use plastic bags.
Moreover, 2 out of 3 High School students were impressed by the thematic session of the Exhibition “Unexplored Ocean”, where HELMEPA’s scientific staff present recent data for life in the ocean depths and advances in marine sciences and research. 66% of these students are interested in learning more about professions on marine sciences, such as oceanography, biomimetics, underwater archeology or marine biology.
The positive response of the local educational community is reflected in the following indicative remarks in the visitor’s book:
“One of the goals we set in our school is raising environmental awareness. The information you provided helps students to develop sustainable approaches to protecting the environment. Thank you very much, keep up the amazing effort!”
2nd Primary School of Salamina
“Congratulations on the exhibition and the interactive way you presented the information to our children. This initiative is especially important for our island, as we are witnessing and dealing with all these environmental problems on our coasts!”
High School of Aianteio of Salamina
HELMEPA warmly thanks all those who contributed to the successful operation of the Exhibition, as well as Mr P. Dioletis, Deputy Mayor of Social Services, Education and Culture and Mr G. Voulgaris, Head of Environmental Education of Piraeus’ Directorate for Primary Education and particularly the students and teachers who enthusiastically responded to HELMEPA’s message for Clean Seas and Beaches!