Hot Port News from GAC
Subic Bay, Philippines
Boat race off National Service Resort & Country Club Sea Sports Centre
Monday, December 2, 2019, Singapore
The Singapore Power Boat Association (SPBA) and the Asia Powerboat Association (APA) will be organising the Singapore Asia Boat Race off the National Service Resort & Country Club Sea Sports Centre from 6 Dec 2019 to 8 Dec 2019.
The Port Master hereby prohibits all vessels, unless authorized by the Port Master, from entering, anchoring, mooring, transiting or being in the area as stated in paragraph 3.
The area referred to in this Notice is bounded by the following co-ordinates:
A) 01 deg. 18.966’N / 103 deg. 58.700’E
B) 01 deg. 18.000’N / 103 deg. 58.700’E
C) 01 deg. 18.000’N / 103 deg. 57.220’E
D) 01 deg. 18.700’N / 103 deg. 57.220’E
E) 01 deg. 18.300’N / 103 deg. 57.240’E
F) 01 deg. 18.450’N / 103 deg. 57.250’E
The dates and times during which the Prohibited Area will be brought into effect are as follows:
06 Dec 2019: 0800hrs – 1800hrs
07 Dec 2019: 0800hrs – 1800hrs
08 Dec 2019: 0800hrs – 1800hrs
A holding area will be established for craft intending to view the race. The holding area is bounded by the following co-ordinates:
H1) 01 deg. 18.853’N / 103 deg. 58.437’E
H2) 01 deg. 18.561’N / 103 deg. 58.447’E
H3) 01 deg. 18.489’N / 103 deg. 58.282’E
H4) 01 deg. 18.851’N / 103 deg. 58.290’E
Marshalling boats will be deployed to warn other craft in the vicinity of the prohibited area.
Further enquiries relating to the conduct and schedule of the Singapore Asia Boat Race can be directed to the SPBA (Attn: Mr Fredrick Chua) at Tel: (65) 9668-7636 (email:
When in the vicinity, mariners are reminded to:
a) Keep clear of the prohibited area, and the holding area;
b) Maintain a proper lookout;
c) Proceed at a safe speed and navigate with caution;
d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 12 (East Control);
e) Communicate with East Control on VHF Channel 12 for assistance, if required.
(For information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at
Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No.122 of 2019
Preparation for typhoon
Monday, December 2, 2019, Subic Bay, Philippines
In view of upcoming Typhoon “Kammuri” (local name “Tisoy”) expected the affect Bataan-Olongapo-Zambales area, we respectfully advise all vessels within the Port of Subic Bay to vacate and relocate on safe ground to avoid the track of the said typhoon. Please note that vessel movements during the typhoon will not be allowed by the Seaport department until further notice.
Further, all vessel exit clearances must be processed on the next business day, December 2, 2019.
During the inclement weather, incoming vessels scheduled to arrive in the Port of Subic Bay will not be allowed to enter and are advised to stay off track of the typhoon.
(For information about operations in the Philippines contact GAC Philippines at
Source: Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority Memorandum dated 1 December 2019
Rules for navigating through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Monday, December 2, 2019, Singapore
Vessels navigating in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore are required to comply with the ‘Rules For Vessels Navigating Through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore’ adopted by the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-ninth session in 1998, in accordance with the provision of Resolution A.858(20).
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore would like to remind all shipmasters including the Bridge Resource Management team in particular those on board deep draught vessels (DDVs1) and very large crude carriers (VLCCs2) transiting in the westbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme and precautionary areas of the Singapore Strait shall:
a) Allow for an under keel clearance of at least 3.5 metres at all times during the entire passage through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
b) As far as it is safe and practicable, proceed at speed of not more than 12 knots over grounds in the westbound lanes between positions 01 deg. 12·51’N, 103 deg. 52·15’E and 01 deg. 11·59’N, 103 deg. 50·21’E and between position 01 deg. 11·13’N, 103 deg. 49·08’E and 01 deg. 08·65’N, 103 deg. 44·30’E. (Between South of St John’s Island to Raffles Lighthouse).
(For further details and information about operations in Singapore contact GAC Singapore at
Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Circular No.20 of 2019