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Home HRCharity The BDI@1,606 amid total geopolitical turmoil and a perplexed London NATO “summit”…

The BDI@1,606 amid total geopolitical turmoil and a perplexed London NATO “summit”…

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John Faraclas


The BDI@1,606 amid total geopolitical turmoil and a perplexed London NATO “summit”…

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) was up 38 points thanks once again to the volatile Capes and to a lesser extend to the rising Panamaxes… Good to see same above the 1,600 point threshold! Twists and turns in today’s NATO “summit” will become soon detrimental if logic and humane values don’t prevail; John Faraclas’ brief daily recap:

The Capes’ BCI gained once again a triple-digit plus points and now stands at 3,350 – plus 119 !

33 plus points for the Panamaxes’ BPI now at 1,315 – above the 1,300 point threshold!!!

Just six points plus for the Supras’ BSI now at 825!

Stagnation still with the Handies’ BHSI at 505!

The WTI was slightly up at US$ 56.10 – from US$ 55.96 yesterday… CAUTION yet again !

The Geopolitical situation becomes messy and although there are too many focal points we better concentrate in the Central and East Med / Balkans / Middle East regions as the provocative premeditated Turkish actions will for sure spill the wrath of War everywhere and it’s about time somebody puts Turkey not just on the dock but beyond that!

The NATO “summit” proved our worries for an alliance that from a dozen nations will top up to 30 with the entry of North Macedonia next year and yet some internal differences, unfortunately surface and resurface on many issues and that might damage it! NATO’s policies, scope and actions MUST redefined… in this ever changing conditions on Planet Ocean!  Ah! too much traffic and we were stranded for 40 minutes…

Will revert with the outcome of this 70th Anniversary “summit” tomorrow.

The MIGRANTS still call the shots thanks to Turkey’s president Erdogan who send another 10,000 (9,000 is the “official” number) in October – waiting the statistics for November…

The election “fever” continues in the United Kingdom amid uncertainty mainly what’s next and not who will be the winner, with BREXIT still looking ugly – this applies for the other side of the Straits of Dover as neither the Continental Europe is ready for the BREXIT divorce!

Most of the other issues we report continue to remain and create further havoc North, East, South and West… Caution!

Joe Hughes

On another note we had the Annual American P&I Club’s Market presentation and reception in London’s oldest temple of Shipping: The Trinity House, today 505 years old, being the place that over the last years this event takes place. Three excellent presentations by the very eloquent Joe Hughes, the simplifier Ilias P. Tsakiris and Vince Solarino – ever humorist.

And what a presentation of the real force, the people behind the American Club, all over Planet Ocean by Dorothea Ioannou!

Over 180 attended with a strong Greek presence; questions and networking took place at the drinks and dips reception. Congrats to Clink events and also to photographer John Deehan who did well given the strong sun light intruding the vitraux windows!

l to r: Joe Hughes, Daniel A. Tadros, Dorothea Ioannou, Ilias P. Tsakiris and Vince Solarino

Spotted Stavriana Asprogiannidou from Willis Towers Watson, Dolly Brown from Preston Turnbull, Katia Restis, George Gourdomichalis, Richard Greiner from BDO, Helen Wright from Lysander PR and many from the American P&I Club, Shipowners Claims Bureau  and American Hellenic Hull. Good to see Ilias P. Tsakiris accompanied by his son Panos; always a good sign of continuation in our industry due to the fact that Shipping in its entirety can accommodate any profession! Elina Souli, Market Liaison from the Piraeus office was there too. At least ten members of the media – managed to speak my good old friend Paul Gunton…

Will revert with a full report soon…


In Greece Panos Laskarides, one of the country’s down to earth patriots and benefactors, donated a multi task vessel to the Hellenic Navy, the “ATLAS I” in a special ceremony which took place at the Salamina anchorage off Piraeus, in the presence of the President of the Greek Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos, the Commandant of the Greek Armed Forces Air-Chief Marshall Christos Christodoulou, the Chief of Staff of the Hellenic Navy Vice-Admiral Nikos Tsounis, the president of the Greek Parliament Ioannis Tragakis. The Minister of Defence Nikos Panagiotopoulos was there too as well as the former Defence Minister Admiral Vagelis Apostolakis and many others. Worth to remember Panos Laskaridis’ maxim: “Our motherland owes us nothing; we owe to the motherland”. The 70 meters vessel with a displacement of 3,000 tonnes, can supply other naval units at sea including fuel (bunkering) and she was constructed after a grant by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation. The Godmother was Susana P. Laskaridis.

Congratulations Mr. Laskaridis.

That’s all for tonight and we continue to stress you all to be vigilant and alerted from actions emanating by Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean!

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