The BDI@844: unprecedented market and geopolitical challenges ahead…
The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost 63 points as well as the 900 points threshold thanks to yet another triple-digit fall of the Capes. Geopolitics on the edge… John Faraclas’ daily brief recap:
The Capes’ BCI lost 119 points and two important thresholds, that of the 1,500 and 1,400 respectively and now stands at 1,388 points… CAUTION!
The Panamaxes’ BPI was down 59 point at 890 losing the 900 points threshold…
Twenty points down for the Supras’ BSI now reading 642…
Nine points off the Handies’ BHSI now reading 443 points…
Is it just the situ in the wider Middle East region? Is it the fuel oil prices that the market drops or what??
The gap from the end of Dec 2013 when the BDI stood at 2,247 points widens yet again and stands at 1,403 points (2,247 – 844)!
The Wets with “mixed” feelings; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 1,500 flat – minus 17 and 892 – plus four points respectively…
The WTI went even above the US$ 64 but now settles down to US$ 63.27 and “might” fall even slightly further…
The Geopolitical situation keeps everybody guessing on how Iran retaliates, the extent of such retaliation which might provoke the wrath of the USA president and he in turn retaliates disproportionally as he already has warned mentioning 52 Iranian targets!!!! Ultra-Caution should be observed from both sides!
The Libyan affair might turn out and become a bigger mess given the presence of Turkish Army’s elements which will blow up the Peace in the region. Turkey and its president have aspiration in becoming not just a regional power but something even more than that… The UN should immy react; the EU and NATO too before it takes too much time to oust the Turks from Libya.
Moreover Turkey continues to send MIGRANTS over to Greece and conversely to the European Union which stands pathetically and conspicuously silent but the day of reckoning is coming. Hands off the Greek Islands and the plans for more MIGRANTS hot spot centres. This id affecting the social cohesion. The Greek Government and local MPs should become accountable for this mess and they shouldn’t give-in!
On all counts and issues Turkey must be isolated in its entirety as the Turkish behaviour, blackmail and religious “weaponry” is a threat not just to the peripheral peace but beyond!
The situ at the faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa with its main points, Libya, the Balkans, East Med and the entire Middle East remains more than critical. Israel too might get involved in the Middle East inferno following the American drone attack and the elimination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad.
All in all we are very concerned on the consequences for the Shipping Industry!! That includes seafarers, ports and indeed the dire straits we mentioned the other day (Friday the 3rd of January).
That’s all for tonight and if there is any further important issue will update you…
On another tone and note we attended today’s Epiphany event as we do for decades at the Yacht Club of Greece with over 250 attending; good to see some old members but equally encouraging to see so many youngsters mainly involved in sailing!
Due to the awful prevailing weather conditions the ceremony of Blessing the Waters took place inside the Club’s second floor with father Efsevios officiating.
We will revert with a full report asap.
Have a nice evening and remain on guard from any eventuality emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.