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Hot Port News from GAC

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Hot Port News from GAC


Fujairah, United Arab Emirates

New Orleans, United States

Qingdao, China

Vanino, Russia

Novorossiysk, Russia

Wuhan Coronavirus
Thursday, January 30, 2020, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates

As per the guidelines of the Federal Transport Authority, ships calling directly/last port/transiting from China are requested to provide the Port Authority a statement declaring if any crew onboard has a high temperature, sore throat, coughing or breathing difficulties.

Ships calling direct/last port/transiting from China having crew with symptoms mentioned above will not be permitted to enter Fujairah Offshore Anchorage or Port of Fujairah until they get approval from the Harbour Master.

(For information about operations in Fujairah, contact GAC Fujairah at fujairah@gac.com)

Source: Port of Fujairah Notice to Agent dated 29 January 2020

Reporting requirements for vessels with China in last 5 ports
Thursday, January 30, 2020, New Orleans, United States

The US Coast Guard at New Orleans has issued a Marine Safety Information Bulletin outlining additional reporting requirement for vessels which have China among their last five ports of call.

According to the Bulletin issued on 27 January, all such vessels will receive the New Orleans Captain of the Port’s request to advise if any crew members have symptoms consistent with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and if anyone on board have been to China in the past 30 days.

Vessel personnel or agents are required to report to the CDC any ill individuals or deaths on board during the 30 days prior to the date of expected arrival.

Most US ports have issued similar notices. Vessels who have visited China in their last ports are suggested to provide the following to their agent:
1. Do you currently have any crewmembers with one or more of the symptoms of Coronavirus? If so, please include the name and position of the crew members.
2. Which symptoms have they exhibited, and when did they first appear?
3. Have the crew members in question visited China within the past 14 days?
4. Have any of the crewmembers been in contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms of the coronavirus in the past 14 days?
5. If so, had the ill person recently been to China within the past 30 days?

For further details and updates, and information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at usa@gac.com

Further extension of holiday
Thursday, January 30, 2020, Qingdao, China

The Lunar New Year holiday has been further extended in Qingdao from 2 February to 9 February as part of the measures being taken to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus.

For information about operations in China, contact GAC China at china@gac.com

Transport safety dues
Thursday, January 30, 2020, Vanino, Russia

New rates for transport safety dues for vessels in foreign traffic have come into force at Vanino seaport from 7 January.

Separate new rates apply to vessels in foreign and coastal traffic.

For further details of the new rates, and information about operations in Russia, contact GAC Russia at russia@gac.com

New rates for Ecological Dues at CPC Terminal
Thursday, January 30, 2020, Novorossiysk, Russia

New rates for Ecological Dues will be applied at the CPC Terminal in Novorossiysk from 1 February, as follows:

Up to 10 days (incl 50 % rebate)
– Old rate: Ship’s volume x 0,66 Rbls
– New rate: Ship’s volume x 0,70 Rbls

Above 10 days (incl 50 % rebate):
– Old rate: Ship’s volume x 0,91 Rbls
– New rate: Ship’s volume x 0,95 Rbls

A 50 % rebate on Ecological Dues can be obtained if the vessel equipped with incinerator for solid refuse and isolated sewage water treatment plant, subject vessel fully complies with MARPOL regulations and following original certificates available on board:
1.I.O.P.P. certificate – all pages;
2.Relevant certificate for sewage water treatment plant;
3.Relevant certificate for incinerator, designated for burning solid refuse.

For information about operations in Russia contact GAC Russia at russia@gac.com

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