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Home Ports & TerminalsCanals Inland Ports – Open Innovation Challenge

Inland Ports – Open Innovation Challenge

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Inland Ports – Open Innovation Challenge

thinkport VIENNA (powered by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna and the Port of Vienna) and the EFIP (European Federation of Inland Ports) are organising an Inland Port Open Innovation Challenge based on the EFIP Strategy Paper.

The main question of the Challenge is:

What can European Inland Ports contribute
to achieve the climate targets?

The Challenge will gather ideas on how european inland ports, in their role as multimodal transport hubs, can contribute to achieve the climate targets.

Creative ideas are needed in three areas:

Innovations at the location of the inland ports in the fields of energy (energy supply and energy generation), logistics services, process optimisation and innovative solutions for local companies and employees.

Ideas for integrating ports into urban logistics, creating new infrastructure or creating new services for cities. Inland ports as suppliers to the city.

Inland waterways as supply routes (new means of transport, alternative fuels, etc.)



Idea Submission
02.03.2020 – 17.05.2020
Community Evaluation 
18.05.2020 – 31.05.2020
Jury Evaluation 
01.06.2020 – 14.06.2020
Final Event 
08.10.2020 – 09.10.2020


Here you can find more Information to the challenge!
The ideas can be submitted via the Online Open Innovation Plattform. You can submit your ideas alone or in a group. Everyone is invited to join in!If you want to participate please click at the button and send us a mail to get the registration information at the start of the challenge.


Yes, put me on the information list!


We are looking forward to your creative and innovative ideas!

Creative Greetings,



thinkport VIENNA – intended to inspire


thinkport VIENNA is an open mobility lab that deals with the challenges of logistics in urban agglomerations comprehensively and on a long-term basis. The mission of thinkport VIENNA is to be a catalyst and multiplier for new technologies, services and processes and to develop, test and implement urban freight logistics innovations in Vienna. 

The mission of thinkport VIENNA is on the one hand to create an environment which is open for innovation and co-creation, on the other hand thinkport VIENNA offers a real test environment for the methodical development and evaluation of innovative concepts, processes and technologies for smart, urban freight logistics through the resources and commitment of the participating institutions (Port of Vienna and BOKU Vienna).



This project has received funding from the Mobility of the Future programme. Mobility of the Future is a research, technology and innovation funding programme of the Republic of Austria, Ministry for Climate Action. The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) has been authorised for the programme management.

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