HESGB 25th Anniversary surpasses any previous event
a note by Anny Zade
With Dimitris Monioudis at the helm, his super team of members and the events secretariat, this HESGB (Hellenic Engineers Society of Great Britain) Anniversary, its Silver Jubilee, not only surpassed all previous such celebrations, but those of dozens of other associations, charities, companies and organisations, with the setting being the iconic Grosvenor House Hotel in London’s Mayfair. This confirmed HESGB as a driving force of the global shipping industry in Planet Ocean’s administrative capital of shipping!
Over 700 guests from over 40 nations from all over the five continents were present representing all stakeholders of our industry – amongst them many many many women!
Academics, Brokers of many specialist shipping endeavours, Bankers, Bunker specialists, Charity managers, Diplomats, Environmentalists, Financiers you name it were there in force…
The timetable kept to the dot in comparison with that of previous years, the food and drinks were exceptional, and fun was to the fore with the faithful crowd dancing until they dropped… The printed commemorative programme reaching 128 pages – up 12 pages from last year, proving the welcome support of advertisers, new and old. And what a raffle that was… Did I hear you say Networking…?
More on this special anniversary which reinforced support of everything in the shipping sector and beyond – as this society is the leading one amongst 30 plus involving Greeks and Greek Cypriots in Great Britain, will be in our full report with many pictures coming soon in this medium.

HESGB member Dinos Symeonides – who supervised the Raffle Prze Draw, with the Top Winner Litsa G. Skinitis
Until then have a nice evening, ignore the Ides of March, enjoy the Carnival and be disciplined in tackling Coronavirus.