Bureau Veritas formalizes guidance for FPSOs and FPUs in Brazil
- A new notation, IVBS-BRA, demonstrates that operators of floating assets meet the detailed scope of Brazilian regulatory requirements.
- IVBS-BRA formalizes the framework of support, insight and service delivery provided by Bureau Veritas.
Paris La Défense, 14 May 2020 – Bureau Veritas (BV), a world leader in testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) services has formalized guidelines and a classification notation for Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) and Floating Production Units (FPUs) designed for operation in Brazil’s deep waters.
The new Bureau Veritas class notation IVBS-BRA refers to the independent verification approach that Bureau Veritas is adopting in Brazil. This notation will help clients to demonstrate compliance with Brazilian regulations. The Bureau Veritas IVBS-BRA notation addresses the requirements to be implemented for offshore units, from design to operation.
The compliance requirements for all types of offshore installations, including Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels (FPSOs) and Floating Production Units (FPUs) designed to operate in Brazilian waters are governed by a range of national agencies addressing health and safety, environmental, and labor requirements. Helping ensure that these requirements are met is vital. Bureau Veritas has long provided the insight, support, and service required to help the designers, shipbuilders, and operators developing Brazilian projects to navigate the complexity of the Brazilian national requirements.
Regulations addressed include requirements issued by the National Petroleum; Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP); the Maritime Authority (DPC – Departamento de Portos e Costas); the Labor Inspection Secretary (SIT/ENIT – Secretaria de Inspeção do Trabalho /Escola Nacional da Inspeção do Trabalho); the Brazilian Environmental Institute (IBAMA); the National Environmental Council (CONAMA – Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente); and others.
Marie-Françoise Renard, Commercial Director Offshore & Services at Bureau Veritas commenting said: ‘Brazil is a complex regulatory environment and clients are looking to demonstrate how they are addressing the requirements to operate safely in Brazilian waters. We have long been helping clients meet these requirements. IVBS-BRA formalizes our approach and provides the necessary framework to demonstrate that requirements have been met.’
‘BV provides a wide range of compliance related services and support to help ensure clients are able to fully meet and implement the required regulatory scope for operations in Brazil in a manner that is fully integrated with the project classification process and all control processes.’
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in testing, inspection, and certification for oil and gas floating assets. With extensive activities and support services in Brazil and worldwide – and, with significant market shares in FPSO and FSU projects in Brazil, its expertise and experience is reflected in its guidance and the new notation.