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How to Destroy Ships

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Nikeel Idnani hosts IMarEST’s webinar

How to Destroy Ships

Dubai, 26 May 2020

ZARA MARITIME partnered with the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST) UAE Branch, to host a successful webinar attended by 110 participants, representing the world’s leading Ship Owning and Ship Management companies, suppliers, service providers, independent consultants, Classification Society executives, Port Officials, Flag State Administrators and Inspectors, joining from USA, Norway, UK, Greece, Singapore, Malaysia, Nigeria, India and the Middle East.

Mr. Nikeel Idnani, Honorary Secretary IMarEST UAE, delivered the opening and closing addresses. The enthusiasm exhibited during the lively Q&A session demonstrated an overwhelming buy-in from the participants of the out-of-the-box presentation. Nikeel remarked, “Experience is a good teacher but an expensive one. Intelligent people learn from others’ mistakes” and encouraged Ship Management stakeholders on the online seminar, to worry more about the micro realities of ship operation than the macro picture of the COVID-19 pandemic that cannot be changed. His advice was to call the ‘Doctors of the Maritime Industry’ e.g. ZARA MARITIME, to clarify any doubts or technical concerns at the onset of potential disruptions, cost-effectively, rather than after exhausting all options to restore functioning of failed equipment and get embroiled in a dispute for ‘fair compensation’ to a salvor.

Mr. Arvind Ahuja, Managing Director of ZARA MARITIME and Chief Operating Officer of CYBERNETICO, presented surreal case studies from ZARA MARITIME’s own experiences, satirically titled How to Destroy Ships. The authentic photographs used to support the presentation narrative made participants cringe as the sentiments of complacency, lethargy and misunderstanding of well-intended instructions rang true amongst the technical managers in the audience, compromising Safety, Security & Efficiency of ship operation. The main takeaways for participants at this focused event to operate efficient ships, was to assess and manage situations, maintain regulatory compliance, diagnose trouble, choose appropriate Turnaround Strategies & Implementation of Close-loop Change Processes with diligent monitoring and enhanced training, to protect owners’ interests and minimize commercial losses from downtime and off-hire, caused by equipment failure. ZARA MARITIME ensures their malfunctions are rectified while the vessel continues to remain in operation, fulfilling its commercial obligations. To their credit, Zara Maritime has had a 100% success rate till date while identifying and solving problems within a controlled budget, conducting damage Surveys and investigations on behalf of ship owners, P&I and H&M insurers to protect the owner’s interests, assessing hull and machinery condition for life extension and assisting clients in making informed big-ticket ship Sale and Purchase decisions.

To watch the video of the webinar, please access https://youtu.be/BY4-sLE9Oys

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1 comment

Alison May 29, 2020 - 4:53 PM

That was a very insightful engineering presentation


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