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Home HRClubs Antonis Pitsilos elected president of the Chios Marine Club

Antonis Pitsilos elected president of the Chios Marine Club

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The new BoD* of the Chios Marine Club, on a l to r: Epaminondas Banos, Ioannis Vourlides, Anargiros Kavouras, Panagiotis Kamarados, Maria Tripolitis, John Faraclas, Antonis Pitsilos, Mike Kasmas, George Tsouris and Nikos Kakalis

Antonis Pitsilos elected president of the Chios Marine Club

Earlier on tonight, Captain Antonis Pitsilos, former secretary-general, was unanimously elected president of the Chios Marine Club’s BoD at the Club’s premises in the heart of Piraeus shipping centre, following the 23rd of June elections with:

Mike Kasmas from BV Piraeusas vice president,
Nikos Kakalis also from BV  Piraeus as secretary-general,
Maria Tripolitis of PMS as special secretary,
Anargiros Kavouras of Olympic Vision as treasurer, and members in alphabetical order:

Epaminondas Banos from the Greek Ministry of Mercantile Marine and Islands Policy
John Faraclas from allaboutshipping.co.uk
Panagiotis Kamarados from LR Piraeus
George Tsouris from Maser Mariner
Simos Varias from Varship Shipping / Crossworld Marine Services, and
Ioannis Vourlides from Marpo Group

Dips, drinks and exceptionally …sweets given Anargiros’ – the new treasurer, and Argiros’ nameday – news president’s daughter, with a rendezvous on the 14th of July for the transfer over from the previous BoD and Board meeting. Watch this space!


*member Simos Varias, absent due to business obligations

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