GLOBAL & REGIONAL DAILY (Tuesday 14 July 2020)
July 14 2020
Global Markets
Global equity markets retreated on Tuesday following the US denouncing China’s disputed claims to offshore resources in the South China Sea as well as record Covid-19 hospitalisations and fresh restrictions in California.
According to ELSTAT, total building activity (private and public) in April 2020, amounted to 973, recording a decrease of 22.4%YoY. In the 12-month period May-19 to Apr-20, the total number of building permits rose by 20.4% compared to the period May-18 to Apr-19.
Serbia: Despite street riots following President Vucic’s announcement of the return of a 48h curfew during the weekend in Belgrade, domestic financial markets remained unaffected in the past week.
Turkey: On a seasonal adjusted basis, unemployment climbed to 13.8% in April vs. 13.1% in March.
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