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Home MarketsChartering The BDI@1,348 whilst Wets are grounded, Geopolitics messy and the Coronavirus anathema spreads

The BDI@1,348 whilst Wets are grounded, Geopolitics messy and the Coronavirus anathema spreads

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John Faraclas















The BDI@1,348 whilst Wets are grounded, Geopolitics messy and the Coronavirus anathema spreads

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) gained 31 points since yesterday and now stands at 1,348. Overall a milder rise and fall in all dry fronts since yesterday. The wets lose steam. Geopolitics have gone beyond imagination and expect mess. COVID-19 spreads further and creates uncertainty… The next three months will be more than crucial for humanity. John Faraclas’ brief daily recap:

The Capes’ BCI was up at 2,210 – plus 73 points, also going over and above the 2,200 point-threshold…

The Panamaxes’ BPI was also up 37 points – what a contrast with Capes’ 73… and now reads 1,203 points surpassing the 1,200 points threshold too..

A dozen points loss for the Supras’ BSI now standing at 878…

Stranded Handies at 473…

The Wets as said in the preamble lost steam… The last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 505 – minus one and 357 same as yesterday.

The WTI as these line are being written reads US$ 40.41 – down 89 cents since yesterday; good news!

Geopolitics deteriorate and don’t be surprised to witness hostilities within the faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from Caucuses to the Horn of Africa as Turkey continues a pathetic aggressive bullying towards every single one of its neighbours – Greeks, Cypriots to name but a few… CAUTION. Be alerted as the repercussions of another conflict in this particular region will affect all nations even beyond Mediterranean…

MIGRANTS continue to move “around”… CAUTION as in some case we have despicable issues due to religon and you see a man having three wives all pregnant by him more or less simultaneously, seeking asylum and financial help in another country where he made it with a little help from traffickers and regimes readers… Has anybody checked these issues, eh!!! Enough!

In the USA we even heard that president Trump is concerned about the forthcoming presidential elections and believes same must be delayed over alleged fraud… Republicans though reject this… But can he change the date… just wonder…

The Economy all over Planet Ocean was heavily indebted  with trillions of Dollars in the NPL’s “sector”; now, many banks and financial institutions will go under for ever… Not a single individual will give an iota …err a penny; everybody will seek saving his life. END OF THE STORY.

More Geopolitics tomorrow in our weekly recap…

Coronavirus is about to “surprise” us all in a nasty way… Be prepared for everything. One can understand the seriousness of this extremely dangerous health situation from the cancellation of many Conferences, Exhibitions, Cruises, Events – and I am talking Business events and many more of daily life’s actions. Many are already worried for the new school term, add academia  – Unis et al and see were we are heading too… On top of anything else we have the politico-economic dimension and until now no solution has been found… We are still sailing in uncharted waters. The fact now that cash is dangerous is evident and the usage of contactless cards a MUST  and we wonder what’s next. Filling forms etc etc is one thing, reality yet another. The entire population all over Planet Ocean MUST be thoroughly checked so we will all know were we stand. Grow up as we have to face in some countries the Coronavirus (COVID-19) anathema spreading exponentially and ensure we contain same one way or another. MASKS, MASKS, MASKS. D I S C I P L I N E  is the name of the game for survival. As said at the beginning of this para, we are going to face a nasty issue… take care!! Redundancies take off in an unprecedented way… We all know more or less what is going on but wonder were are those well paid advisors and consultants in all governments and specialists organisations such as WHO to exercise their risk assessment charisma and save the day…


On another note and tone, a unique book is going to be presented at the Bouboulinas’ Museum on the island of Spetses off Piraeus in Greece on the 1st of August at 20:00 hrs. The book deals with dowry, a more than an important element of life and culture particularly in Greece and its islands.  Suggest no one misses this exceptional presentation. Titled: “Whatever we gave her” (free translation from the Greek ”όσα  της είχαμε δοσμένα”) is expected to attract the interest of many, as we heard that the author Kalomira Arghyriou- Koumbi covers more or less everything and  she has done a great research. The inheritance customs, the dress, the material status of women, as well as all items for the household… the author takes us back in the 19th century, possibly the most important century of all.. Vassilis Bakiras, a philologist, and  Irene Tekides, an archaeologist, will speak on the book.

Have a nice evening but continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let’s work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 260 (twohundredandsixty) trillion… 

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